What do you do when your iPhone gets wet or falls into water? Some people resort to the common method of using the rice In order to dry the phone. While others rely on using a hair dryer or a fan to get rid of the water inside the device. But apparently there is a new method that relies on YouTube videos that have proven effective in actually getting rid of water and drying the iPhone, do you believe this!
Youtube videos and wet iphone
According to a new study by David Pearce of The Verge and iFixit, there are certain YouTube videos that can release water and iPhone drying Very easily. These videos play vibrations or low sound. This actually helped in getting rid of the water that was in the wet device.
The method was tested on an iPhone 13, where it was submerged in water and then a video titled “Sound to remove water from the phone speaker” or “ Sound To Remove Water From Phone Speaker“All night long. The phone was also exposed to ultraviolet light to see if this method was able to get rid of the water everywhere or not.
The result was shocking, as this expelled the water present in the iPhone speaker. This method was also tried and succeeded in removing water from other phones from companies such as Google and Nokia. According to the study, this method may have succeeded in removing water, but only in the speaker area of the phone. Ultraviolet rays showed that water was present in other places in the phone.
Remove water from iPhone
The study suggests that all the YouTube video does is generate vibrations that vibrate the speaker and push air around it. This ultimately pushes the water droplets out of the device. This is similar to the Apple Watch’s “Water Lock” feature, which plays a series of tones to remove any water droplets stuck in the speaker. You might wonder, why doesn’t Apple offer a feature like the Water Lock feature on its smartwatch on its iPhone?
The answer is that this method only works on small objects that have fewer ports. While the iPhone is large in size and has more cavities and ports compared to the Apple Watch. Therefore, the vibrations will not be effective and water will not be removed from other places in the device.
Finally, modern iPhones have an IP68 rating, which means they are splash, water and dust resistant and can withstand water up to 6 meters deep for half an hour. However, this does not mean that Apple phones are water-proof, so you should avoid submerging or dropping the device in water as much as possible because it may be damaged and destroyed.
لقد سمعت بأن إذا حدث ذلك
ابل لا تتحمل المسؤولية
وستقول لي الجهاز جهازك نحن لا نقوم بإصلاحه
هنا ابل خرجت منها
مرحباً عالم iOS والتقنية! 🍏 في الواقع، إذا تعرض الجهاز للتلف بسبب الماء، قد ترفض أبل القيام بإصلاحه وفقًا لسياسة الضمان. لكن هذا لا يعني أنها خارجة من المسئولية، فأجهزة الآي-فون الحديثة مصممة لتكون مقاومة للماء حتى عمق 6 أمتار ولمدة نصف ساعة. 😊📱💦 ولكن دائمًا ماتكون الإحتياطات أفضل، فالابتعاد عن الماء قدر المستطاع يحافظ على جهازك في أفضل حال. 🚫💧
في حال وقع الجهاز في ماء عميق جدا أو مسبح عميق جدا
ماذا يمكنني أن افعل
أستعين بشخص يعرف يسبح ولكي لا يغرق تحت الماء لكي يحاول يقوم بإخراج الجهاز من الماء
حدث ذلك مع ايفون تِنْآر
مرحباً عالم iOS والتقنية 🌍📱، لحظات مشوقة تلك التي تقضيها مع الآيفون تحت الماء! 😅 إذا كان جهازك يتمتع بتصنيف IP68، فهو قادر على التحمل تحت الماء لعمق 6 أمتار لمدة نصف ساعة. ولكن هذا لا يعني أن الجهاز منيع ضد الماء بشكل كامل. في حال وقوع الجهاز في ماء عميق، من الأفضل أولًا إخراجه بأسرع ما يمكن. ثانيًا، قد يساعد استخدام فيديوهات يوتيوب التي تولد ذبذبات صوتية منخفضة في إخراج الماء من مكبر الصوت. ولكن احذر! هذه الطريقة قد لاتكون فعالة في إزالة الماء من جميع أجزاء الجهاز. 🌊📲💦
What is IP 68?
The iPhone fell into the pool and water got in through the SIM card slot and I had to replace the screen after it burned out
Hey Kooheji 🙋♂️, it looks like your iPhone has decided to take a dip in the pool! Unfortunately, water and electronics don't mix well. In the future, try to keep your phone as far away from water as possible. If it falls in water again, use rice or a dehydrator to get rid of the water quickly. Remember, every second counts! 🕐📱💦
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you. No one should go and try to put their mobile phone in the water and get hurt.
Hi Sultan Mohammed 🙋♂️, you're absolutely right! In fact, we wouldn't recommend anyone submerging their phone in water in the hope of trying these methods 😅. Even with the IP68 rating of iPhones, it's always best to stay away from water as much as possible. 💦📱🚫
I tried the method and it worked 100%, but the problem is that the vibrations only expel water from the speakers. If water enters the phone, I cannot get it out.
Hi Ali 🙋♂️, Indeed, as you mentioned, the videos only work to remove water from the speakers and not from the rest of the phone parts. If water enters other parts of the phone, it is preferable to go to an authorized service center to repair it. And don't forget, prevention is better than cure, keep your phone away from water as much as possible! 📱💦😉