This program is a genius idea, and provides many of the questions it poses Beginners, The most important of which are these two questions ... Is it possible to jailbreak my phone? Can my SIM be unlocked to work on all networks? In short, it gives you a solution to the network unlock and jailbreak syndrome.

I will assume that from your many reading on the iPhone Islam site you know the difference between the jailbreak and unlocking the network, the jailbreak is just a process to open your iPhone to accept external programs through a program called Cydia because normally you can only install programs through a software store Apple. As for unlocking the network, it means that your phone is closed on one network and you want it to work on all networks. Because of the multiplicity of versions The firmware You may be confused whether it is possible to jailbreak my phone! Is it possible to open my phone network! Especially since there are new phones from Apple that came updated so that they do not accept the jailbreak, and if you turn off your phone, you have to jailbreak each time to open it again, and this is a painful process. And your phone is called Tethered.

There are many tools and programs available on the Internet to unlock and jailbreak an iPhone, and each of them works on a different firmware or operating system. And it has become difficult for even professionals to determine the appropriate program to jailbreak each phone or even to know if the phone accepts these operations or not, and this is due to the multiplicity of possibilities of the firmware version number, the bot ROM, and the base band, and so many factors that determine whether or not to do a jailbreak is possible on this phone or not and what A tool suitable for him. Fortunately now a program F0recast Here.

With this tool (it works on Windows only) it becomes easy to know if your phone can be jailbroken or not and what tool you should use and also puts links for you to explain the use of these tools and download them. The program is very simple, all you have to download from HereThen turn it on and connect your phone to the computer. The program screen will put information about the phone such as the base band number, the bootloader version number, the phone model number, the serial number, and finally it tells you whether it is possible to open your phone network and is your phone can jailbreak it or is it tied and this means that every time you close it you will do a job Jailbreaking it again, in which case you should avoid the jailbreak better.


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