A lot, indeed very often, we are asked when the jailbreak will be issued for the vermeir ...? Or when will the network decoder be available for the bass band ...?

And before responding to that, make it clear that there is no objection to launching the jailbreak or decoding the network Hackers And you chose to put yourself at their mercy, so you are the one who needs a jailbreak :)

In any case, we have found the appropriate solution for those who want to know what is the appropriate tool to jailbreak for him and for the version his device carries, and this case is represented in a site that takes information from you about your device and then instructs you if there is a jailbreak or network unlock available at the present time or not and what tool is Suitable for you.

JB Wizard

All you have to do is go to the site http://jailbreak-me.info Then put some information about your device

  • Device type (such as iPhone, iPod touch, or iPad)
  • Model (such as iPhone 4 or 3GS)
  • The number of firmware installed on your device (such as 4.1.0 or 4.2.1)
  • Baseband version number (if you can't find it, leave it blank)
  • The system on which you want the tool to run (such as Windows, Mac, or Linux)

Then click on the Check your iDevice button

Now, a page will appear for you with the tools available to you, and if there is a possibility to open the network or not.

In the end, I would like to explain to you that the pleasure of using the iPhone, iPad and Apple devices is without the use of jailbreak. The jailbreak It has many problems We have mentioned this in more than one article, and the most dangerous thing in the jailbreak is the possibility of your device being vulnerable to penetration with utmost ease, so I advise women especially to stay away from the jailbreak.

Also, the hackers are waiting for you to release the jailbreak. There is a terrible slip in it, so far There is no good jailbreak for the latter And your computer may be damaged more than it is suitable for and every day the hackers postpone the proposal to open the network month after month. In short, the time of George Hotz is over, and those in the jailbreak now have little tricks.

Important information: The jailbreak is legal, and nothing is wrong with it, and if you do not know the difference between the jailbreak, unlock the network, and crack Read this article

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