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Here are the features of Apple's iOS 17.4 update (Part Two)

Within the framework of covering the features and improvements provided by Apple in its latest system update, iOS 17.4, we provide you with the details that you would like to know about the value behind the iOS 17.4 system and the changes that Apple has made, such as providing new methods of payment, using Siri to read and send messages, and others, God willing.


10 hidden features in the Messages app

When Apple released the iOS 17 update last year, it introduced a modified interface for the Messages app that includes many useful hidden functions and customization options that may not be obvious to the average user. In this article we've collected 10 of our favorite tips that we hope will make your messaging experience more enjoyable.


How to convert voice messages to text in iOS 17

Apple has developed its own messaging application (iMessage) by adding some new features such as seeing unread messages, Catch Up, Quick Reply or Swipe To Reply, converting voice messages to text or Audio Massage Transcription. Follow this article with us


News on the margin Week 8 - 14 December

iPhone SE 4 with an iPhone 14 battery and a new design, a major upgrade to the iPhone 16 microphone to enhance Siri’s artificial intelligence, the Samsung screen team is ready for Apple’s foldable screens, and the return of iMessage to the Beeper Mini system on Android again.


What's new in the Messages app with iOS 17.2 update

Apple launched the iOS 17.2 operating system, which is the biggest update for the iPhone in months. The new update includes many great features, but in this article we will take you on a quick tour to get to know the most important features of the iMessage application with the iOS 17.2 update.


5 new features in the Messages app with iOS 17

Apple has updated the design of the Messages app, making it simpler and easier to use. In the following lines, we will learn about the top 5 new features in the iMessage application with iOS 17 that many iPhone users do not know.


Best Announced Features of iOS 17 (Part XNUMX)

Here is Apple again revealed new features and significant improvements to the iOS 17 update during the WWDC 2023 conference. Here are some of the most important features in the iOS 17 update, especially in the Phone and Messages app that are noteworthy.