The new smart battery cover under the x-ray and reveal the secret of the camera button
Last week, Apple launched the Smart Battery Cases for phones ...
Last week, Apple launched the Smart Battery Cases for phones ...
We talked previously about Apple's relationship with the jailbreak, and that it draws many ideas from it ...
Apple puts many restrictions in place to ensure the smooth operation of the system, and among these restrictions ...
Since the jailbreak was released two days ago, we have received a torrent of messages inquiring about what ...
We all remember the first iPhone 2G, this device that was released in the year ...
Apple shut down this method and it is no longer valid and finally after a long wait ...
WhatsApp is the most popular application in the field of conversation, and it circulates more than ...
Have you ever read an important article on one of the sites, or have you been ...
One of the pioneers of the iPhone site asked Islam an important question. There are many programs ...
As long as the problem of bluetooth and transferring files between iPhones and devices ...
Despite the warnings that we warn about the jailbreak, the jailbreak may be useful ...
We all know the AirPlay feature that came with iOS 4.2 this service…