Cameras on phones have gotten incredibly good especially in the past five years, but how good are these photos in print? Someone actually put it into practice, and said the results were amazing, compared to a $5000 professional camera.

A complete comparison was made between the iPhone 13 Pro and the Canon R5 camera under different conditions and settings, and special editing methods.

No matter what camera you're printing from, he said, you may need to sharpen your photos before sending them to be printed. For example, the Canon R5 produces 27" x 18" printable images at 300dpi, which means if you want a larger print like 24" x 36", at a standard poster size, you need to zoom in, which is standard. in photography. And this is exactly what he did for the photos from the camera and the iPhone, “in the next photo both photos are enlarged to 24 x 36 inches.”

The photographer has used a program ON1 ResizeIt is an image enlarger software that gives photographers the highest quality image magnification while preserving a great deal of detail.

Indeed, both images have been enlarged to 24 x 36 inches; It has a resolution of 10800 x 7200 pixels at a resolution of 300 ppi. The use of the program is supposed to help compensate for the lack of accuracy in the iPhone 13 Pro and make small photos full of details after they are enlarged, and this is not “cheating” in the words of the photographer, this is something that is done even with professional cameras.

The enlarged images contain obvious distortion in the details, so it is necessary to use programs such as ON1 Resize, which uses artificial intelligence and computational learning to raise the quality of the images and show their details accurately. After doing this, we will see a great picture, no problem in printing it, “In the next picture, the image will be printed from the iPhone 13 Pro.”

This image was chosen from the comparison because it was the most dynamic, with the most detail and a shot that was the most challenging for the iPhone, and was printed in three sizes: 8 x 12, 16 x 24 and 24 x 36 inches. It was printed by The Print SpaceIt was printed as C or C-print, digital color printing instead of the old traditional methods, and it was printed on Fuji Matte paper.


The results were very impressive, of course there is a difference in quality, when you get close to the photo and get close enough, especially when you compare the two photos side by side, you will find that there are more details in the Canon R5 camera shot, in the following photo can you tell us which one is which? iPhone and whichever camera. Tell us in the comments. You can write the right picture with this and the left with this, and tomorrow, God willing, we will announce the result in the comments as well. But guess before referring to the source.

Of course, if you stood three feet away from the photos in a glass frame, for example, you would never think that this photo print was from the iPhone. And remember that most people who buy artwork or prints won't check every small detail, the overall look and clarity of the image can be enjoyed. This way you can capture beautiful moments on your phone, and print them without hesitation, it's really good.

For the other two sizes, 16 x 24 inches, the photos printed out were professional, and you could even print some photos right from your phone, and to get less noise and better shadow detail, the photographer had to beat this by editing the photos on an editing software. Considering the 8" x 12" size, it will look professional without any editing.

Have you tried printing photos through the iPhone? And what were the results? Tell us in the comments.



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