With the great progress in smart devices of various kinds, a new class of these devices has begun to appear, which are wearable devices. This category includes several products, most notably smart watches and also Google glasses that feel at first glance that they are from a science fiction movie. We have provided several articles introducing eyeglasses and their uses, which you can reach at this link. But many people kept finding it embarrassing when he spoke to the glasses, so it seemed to others that he was just talking to himself and he wished that the glasses knew what he wanted on their own, well .. this is not far-fetched. The designers of "This Place" have created an app that will enable Google Glass to read your mind via an accessory to read brain activity.


Apart from the scientific details, the function of this supplement is to monitor brain activity when focusing and translate it into information and commands that it sends to the glasses, such as taking a picture and posting it to Facebook or Twitter. The application is available free of charge, but your order for Google glasses and with it this accessory will cost $ 1838. The capabilities of the supplement are limited until now, but the presentation of the same idea opens the way to greater horizons and more advanced technologies, especially since the designers of the "Mind Reader" application have made its codes available to anyone who wants to view them for free without request License them. You can learn more on their site via this link

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It is difficult for the supplement to actually achieve what you envision by reading all your thoughts. It will be limited by some functions, however Let's imagine That after 10 years it was really fully realized and here the idea would be wonderful and also frightening. Wonderful that it gives you unlimited power in controlling your smart device, just think of something and you will take a picture or send a message as soon as you think, nothing exceeds the speed of thinking. But the idea is also scary. Imagine that Google, Apple and Samsung will make the extension built into their devices, so will they read our thoughts? Will they know what we're thinking ?! Is this possible or even acceptable ?! We do not say that this can happen or that these devices may succeed, but we are only thinking about science and is it acceptable that there is a device provided by a company and bought by it that reads your thoughts ?!

What do you think of the idea of ​​accessories that read ideas? Do you think that this idea can be successful and do you believe that you will buy something similar for yourself in the future? Share your opinion


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