Perhaps many consider Apple a company that loves surprises and you cannot expect its next actions or updates away from leaks, but for me there are some constants that you can notice in Apple’s decisions through the ages, and among these constants is that the company is trying as much as possible to change and add new ways of interacting with devices.

many attempts

Starting with the introduction of the first computer mouse (mouse) for home devices in the first Macintosh in 1984, through the multi-touch with the iPhone, then the sensitive circuit in the iPod and TouchBar in the MacBook, and finally Force Touch and 3d Touch with the Mac and iPhone soon.

Apple is constantly seeking to renew its perception of the ways different devices are used. Some of them were a smash success, such as the deep touch on the Mac, which no one has been able to compete with so far, and others have been canceled, such as the same technology when it was brought to the iPhone in the name of XNUMXD Touch.

XNUMXD Touch Failed

Although I and many of my acquaintances loved it very much, it seems that many users are not used to it as there was not much guide in the design of applications for how to use it and users just had to experiment and explore. Unlike the same technology on the Mac, it was on the trackpad, which already had a button that users were used to pressing.

Apple has also relied on developers too much to embrace the feature in various forms in their apps rather than building entire system interactions around the new system.

We haven't seen XNUMXD Touch on the iPad

Deep Touch technology never came to the iPad. Not even the Haptic touch feature that it has now replaced on the iPhone. Perhaps because of the large screen size of the iPad, which is an obstacle to accurately measure the location of the touch and complicates the need to distribute button sense generators (light shake) that can be achieved on the iPhone easier.

Apple envisions more accessible technology with the iPad

Apple soon registered a patent for a similar technology on the iPad, but it is noticeable that it is more reachable and has specific goals. The patent describes the use of Haptics technologies to create real sensations that increase and facilitate user interaction with the iPad. For example, when you drag a file from one application to another, you can feel a certain feeling when you drag it from the first application, a different feeling when you drop it in the second application, or a special feeling when you change the volume for greater accuracy. It is mentioned in the mentioned papers on this point. The technology is used to make logical interactions between the user and the device through actual sensations. I also mentioned the use of a deep touch-like technology, but it works differently to improve the user experience, but many details were not mentioned in this regard.

There is no doubt that this technology will not be easy to implement because of the large iPad screens, and Apple will have to deploy multiple sensors and motors across the device, taking into account the presence of the screen and maintaining the battery without a decrease.

Coming to the iPhone too?

It's impossible for Apple to redesign a technology this complex and then make it exclusive to the iPad while leaving the iPhone, which brings Apple most of its annual sales and profits.

Did you like Deep Touch technology before it was cancelled? Do you wish to return in an improved manner in the coming devices? Share your opinion



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