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Mohamed Maher Annaba

Editor and Correspondent for iPhone Islam and also a student in the College of Communications and Computer Engineering.


[311] iPhone Islam picks seven useful applications

We continue with you on a weekly basis to present our picks and offers for the best applications, according to the editors ’choices of iPhone Islam. As a complete guide that saves you effort and time searching through the piles of more than 2.3 million apps! Choices ...


[308] iPhone Islam picks seven useful applications

We continue with you on a weekly basis to present our picks and offers for the best applications, according to the editors ’choices of iPhone Islam. As a complete guide that saves you effort and time searching through the piles of more than 2.3 million apps! Choices ...


News on the sidelines: Week 22-29 September

Sometimes news of medium importance appears that does not deserve to be devoted to an entire article, so we decided to present a weekly aggregated article to make the reader aware of various news and make sure that when he follows us, nothing will be missed.


[307] iPhone Islam picks seven useful applications

We continue with you on a weekly basis to present our picks and offers for the best applications, according to the editors ’choices of iPhone Islam. As a complete guide that saves you effort and time searching through the piles of more than 2.3 million apps! Choices ...


News on the sidelines: Week 15 Sep - 22 Sep

Sometimes news of medium importance appears that does not deserve to be devoted to an entire article, so we decided to present a weekly aggregated article to make the reader aware of various news and make sure that when he follows us, nothing will be missed.


Apple tips and tricks for better health

Apple introduced the iOS 10 system with various great features, such as iMassage, which was one of the advantages shown to the user. In conjunction with the launch of iOS 10, Apple announced great health concerns, such as the breathing in the watch application and adjustments ...


[306] iPhone Islam picks seven useful applications

We continue with you on a weekly basis to present our picks and offers for the best applications, according to the editors ’choices of iPhone Islam. As a complete guide that saves you effort and time searching through the piles of more than 2.2 million apps! Choices ...