Those who watched the Apple Education conference on January 19 knew that Apple decided to enter the field of education strongly through the products that it announced at the conference that we singled out for. An article to clarify what was stated in it Of the products that Apple aims to start to revolutionize the field of education by providing a number of innovative ways, but do these tools really increase the efficiency of students? It was time for statistics to prove whether Apple was really doing the right thing by entering the field of education, and is the new Apple product TextBooks significantly improving student performance?


IBooks 2 users also know that there are currently 8 interactive books available in the store ... a book dedicated to chemistry, another to physics, another to biology, and others. The publisher Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, who published the book Algebra I, which is considered the only book in the software store dedicated to mathematics (Algebra in particular), announced great numbers, which is that during the preparation stages of the book, a pilot application called HMH FUSE: Algebra 1 was prepared.

This application aims to give them expected results for the book before its release. Indeed, it was tried in a school in California, USA, and this test was the first of its kind in the world for a book designed primarily to work on the iPad. This study took about a year. The results were surprising for those in charge of the experiment, where an improvement of 19% appeared. In the results of the students who were tested by this application on the students who were taught the same curriculum, but through paper books. These numbers are very good, especially since it is the first application experience, where 78% of students obtained high grades (if applied) compared to 59% (they were taught with paper books).

For those interested in obtaining a detailed result for this test, you can access the final report Of this linkPersonally, I am not interested in the exact details, but I am more interested in the results, as it means that Apple was right, and this type of education will raise the level of students significantly, 19% of the first test is considered a great percentage, so what do we know after the maturity of this new concept is how it will be The results of its time? Of course it will be very impressive. If you want to download this application on the iPad and test your children (the test in English), you can download the application, but it is not completely free. In order to get all the levels and comprehensive training, you will pay a huge amount of $ 60.

HMH FUSE: Algebra 1

What we must learn is that when major companies decide to start a new project, they do not make a sudden decision, but rather do studies for many years. As we mention Steve Jobs when he announced the iPhone for the first time, he said that this operating system took 3 years of research to reach this form What we see in front of us (at the time) and also here is Apple, in cooperation with major publishing houses, to conduct studies that lasted about a year and made sure of the success of the product before they announced it. No quick decisions, random decisions, emotional or enthusiastic decisions, every step must be calculated before taking it, and this is the secret of success.


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