It seems that one of the developers circumvented the review team in the Apple App Store and was able to pass the jailbreak, so if your iOS version is between 9.2 - 9.3.3 all you have to do is download this app and officially from the Apple Store.


Certainly, when the matter spreads, Apple will delete this application if it was not already deleted and we are writing this article, so you have to hurry up and make your decision immediately, or download it first and then make your decision later.


Apple removed the app a short while ago

This app is no longer available on the App Store. :-(

We tried the app ourselves and it definitely works

Of course, we would not have published this article unless we tried the application ourselves, and the jailbreak actually succeeded and here is Cydia working on my device.

Work steps

After downloading the application, launch it and click on the circle in the middle


After that, let it download for a while until you see a message in Chinese ...


Now press the shutdown button once and wait a minute. A notification will appear in Chinese, press it. The application will open again and download the cydia to your device.


The issue of jailbreaking is not difficult if you have the version between 9.2 - 9.3.3, and if Apple has deleted this application, you can do a jailbreak in many available ways. Just search Sync for the word "jailbreak" and it will show you many explanations about that.

But the most important thing is the news of a leak of an application that is doing a jailbreak on the Apple Store, and this indicates that Apple's system of reviewing applications needs to be reviewed.

A strong blow to Apple is that the jailbreak is placed in the software store, but Apple has done its part and updated the operating system more than once, so if you want your information to remain safe, forget this news.

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