As if days pass at the speed of a missile :) Yesterday we congratulated you on Eid Al-Fitr, and here we are today. We congratulate you on Eid Al-Adha. We ask God to accept the pilgrims' pursuit and maximize their reward (We hope that they will remember us by prayingAnd whoever did not perform the Hajj this year, we pray to God to bring us together in his sacred house next year, and as we congratulate all of you on the Eid and hope that he will be happy for you and for us and for the entire Muslim community, we confirm that we bring you a gift as a whole Eid. We used to present you with a gift on the occasion of Eid, although it is not a great gift, but in the end it is just a sign of our love and appreciation for you.

Eid has become happy and every year you are well

On the occasion of Eid, we are pleased to present you a crossword game: FREE for the first time... The crossword game was made for you, if you love crossword games then this is your game, if you do not like it then this game was made for you to give you an experience that you have not met in any of the word games.

Game features:

  • A large number of puzzles, up to 162 puzzles
  • Three levels to suit all skills and ages
  • Wonderful golden level, the puzzles of which were created in an innovative way
  • Access any square immediately by touching it
  • Move between horizontal and vertical words with one touch
  • The ability to list all puzzles in one table for easy navigation
  • Automatic correction at the first and second levels
  • Percentage of correct solution to see the progress of each puzzle
  • The opportunity to get help to solve one or more words in all stages
  • The complete solution can be shown after 20 minutes of playing each puzzle
  • Easy to play despite that there is a screen to help

Ar CrossWord - Crossword puzzles

The game is now free, go to the software store to check the price and if it appears for you in the software store, wait a little while Apple changes the price

A simple gift whose only purpose is to celebrate the Eid with you and present something symbolic as we are used to.

The game is free on Eid days only, so please tell your friends and publish the article for as many as possible so that no one will miss this great game.

Wonderful Eid everyone, and Happy Holidays, we will come back to you with new articles after the Eid.

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