We continue with you on a weekly basis to present our picks and offers for the best applications, according to the choices of the editors of iPhone Islam. So that it represents a complete guide that saves you effort and time in searching between piles of more than 1,821,476 Application!

IPhone Islam Picks for this week:

1- Application lifecoin

We talked before about an application (SweatcoinWhich enables you to earn money whenever you walk or run, and the more steps you take and the more you walk, the more you convert this sweat into money or into a digital (Sweatcoin) currency, this application is very similar in idea and there is no harm at all to have the two together at the same time. In this application, it works in all countries without restrictions, and there are also rewards that can be achieved in the short term, such as Apple AirPods or a subscription to the Netflix service.

LifeCoin - Rewards for Walking

2- Application NOMO

A wonderful application that provides a distinctive experience in the field of photography, and makes you try a number of modern and old cameras and simulates the shape of the camera and the way it is used, so that in the instant camera you have to wait for 90 seconds until the image is fully demonstrated, the application offers you three cameras for free, including an old version From the iPhone with the same old iPhone interface and the same image results, the app is good and I enjoyed using it.

3- Application Pic Collage

Have you ever wanted to take pictures and felt that you wanted to put these pictures together into one photo? Or you have a story consisting of several photos and you want to collect them together to tell a story, here is the application that ranked first in more than 50 countries, it is Pic Collage. Open the application and choose the shape of the collage that you want from a number of your shapes, choose the images you want, make adjustments to them, change the frame, color and other modifications, then save them on a device or share them with your friends on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

‎PicCollage: AI Photo Editor

4- Application sp33dy

How fast is? This question I often think of when I ride a train, for example, or ride a bike. In the car I see the speedometer in front of me, but what about public transport? This application provides you with the ability to easily and clearly know the speed of the vehicle you are using and it also provides a speed scale, whether km or miles. There is a copy on the watch, so one glance at it will tell you how fast. Do not forget to try it on your car, as you may discover a malfunction in your speedometer. The app uses GPS, so location services must be enabled for it to work.

Sp33dy - gps speedometer hud

5- Application Khan Academy

You can learn anything, this is the motto of Khan Academy, and if you do not know what it is, it is a non-profit organization that aims to spread academic knowledge to everyone, using educational methods that are considered the most advanced. You can learn more about a success story Salman Khan from here.

Khan Academy

6- Application JPEG, PNG

An application that saves images in JPEG or PNG extension, and the benefit of this conversion is to compress the size of the images, so if you have images with PNG extension that you downloaded from the Internet or saved from a social networking site, this makes the image size very large and thus an excess space in your device, something else some printers And the applications do not accept transparent images with the extension of PNG and this application enables you to convert the image for use. (Note last week I forgot to put a picture of me, that's why I put my picture twice)

JPEG-PNG Image file converter

7- game Mr bean

The character of Mister Bean is well-known and he is a fun character, as well as this game where Mister Bean works to deliver items through his well-known car from one place to another, and by controlling the gasoline and brakes, you control the speed of the car, provided that you do not drop these items, the game is fun and has a lot The fun especially comments Mister Bean with his voice.

Mr Bean - Special Delivery

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* And do not forget this special application

Ar CrossWord - Crossword puzzles

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Please don't just thank. Try the applications and tell us which one is better in the comments. Also, you should know that by downloading Arabic applications you support the developers, thus they produce better applications for you and your children and thus the application industry thrives and we have strong development companies

If you have an application and want to display it on the iPhone Islam in order to gain a wide spread for your application, do not hesitate to Contact us


We are very tired to come to you with these applications and try each of them and make sure that it is a suitable application for you or for others. Please share the article and help us reach a greater number of readers.

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