In more than a previous report whether in Top Stories Or in Another detailed reportWe mentioned that there is a bad rumor stating that the next iPhone may come without accessories such as the headphone or charger included in the box. In fact, I do not know why some of the iPhone followers attacked us, Islam loved ones, as if I were the CEO or one of the decision makers in Apple! We transmit to you from reliable global sources the latest news that is managed on the scene in real time so that you have a degree of technical culture to take full advantage of your Apple devices and with it the news of your beloved company up-to-date and even we mentioned that the reason is Apple's desire to win more. Importantly, this news actually caused a global uproar, and soon the matter developed and another rumor appeared confirming these allegations. The matter may be rumors that may be true or not, but we must inform you of all new news on this dangerous topic.

The leak of an iPhone 12 case may confirm the worst rumor in Apple's history

In a new leak from an account called ConceptsiPhone of a person called Ran Avni, he showed part of the contents of the box that will contain the iPhone 12. According to this concept designer, the image below is 100% real and not an imaginary design, as he obtained it from a very reliable source, It was also claimed that this was a confirmation of previous rumors.

Although we haven't heard about this Ran Avni in previous leaks, meaning it's not a well-known or trusted leak, analysts and supply chain sources seem to agree that Apple will actually get rid of the charger and EarPods, and they won't be included in the 2020 iPhone box. These leaked images showed that the iPhone case is significantly smaller than it was in the past. For comparison, here is the inside of the iPhone 11 case:

In view of the leaked photos of the iPhone 12 case, it is difficult to imagine that it contains accessories other than the Lightning or USB-C charging cable in the circular part, and for the instructions and instructions booklet, it can be placed in the square part clearly in the picture.

These allegations are also supported by a leak from the account of a mysterious person called @ L0vetodream, who claimed just days ago that the iPhone 12 case would not include a charger or headphones. He said, while I can't talk about the nature of the case that Avni claims leaked, it sure will be much thinner and lead to less waste, which is definitely in line with Apple's priorities.

Regardless of whether these leaks are accurate or not, increasing evidence indicates that Apple will simplify and reduce the iPhone case this year, so you should keep your chargers and do not lend them to someone else if you are planning to upgrade.

Opinion iPhone Islam

Given this rumor and linking it to the surprises of low prices for iPhone 12, which were mentioned in a previous article -this link, We can conclude that Apple may indeed sell the iPhone separately, because this price reduction may be due to removing the accessories from the box. Thus, you will have the option to purchase the charger and headphone separately with the specifications you want and at the price that suits you, and Apple will not force you to buy a dedicated charger or earphone that is specified and imposed on you in the box. So there is no need to exaggerate, if the iPhone, for example, starts at $ 749 dollars without the accessories, it was possible that Apple made it at $ 800 with accessories. I hope the picture is clear and understandable.

How do you think a decision like this will affect Apple? Let us know in the comments.



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