Apple has unveiled the iOS 16 update, which features a redesigned and customizable lock screen, improvements to Messages, Maps, Home, new sharing and personalization capabilities, and much more. .

iOS 16 update release time

iOS 16 update revealed in WWDC 2022 for DevelopersApple revealed all the major new features and explained them in the opening speech, and users will actually be able to deal with the update later this year when the iPhone 14 is released in September or October.

How to download iOS 16 update

You won't be able to experience the standard iOS 16 update until later in the year when it's released to the public with the new iPhone. However, you can download the beta starting now, if you have a developer account by signing up for the Apple Beta Software for free. This is how you can learn about the new operating system before it is officially launched. But it is recommended to wait until the official release if you are a normal user, because the system will not be stable mostly, unless you are curious and like to take risks. You are on your own.

Compatible devices with iOS 16 update

iOS 16 update will not be available for iPhone 6S, 6S Plus, 7, 7 Plus, and SE (XNUMXst generation), the supported devices are:

iPhone SE XNUMXrd generation

IPhone 13 Pro Max

IPhone 13 Pro

IPhone 13 mini

IPhone 13

IPhone 12 Pro Max

IPhone 12 Pro

IPhone 12 mini

IPhone 12

iPhone SE second generation

IPhone 11 Pro Max

IPhone 11 Pro

IPhone 11

iPhone XR

IPhone XS Max

IPhone XS

IPhone X

IPhone 8

IPhone 8 Plus

New lock screen features

This is one of the most prominent new features in the iOS 16 update, which is the largest update to the lock screen ever with a completely new design and look.

◉ Simply tap and hold on the screen to launch the customizer, you can easily customize the lock screen and change the color and font of the lock screen to match the wallpaper style of your choice. And mentioning wallpapers, there is a new gallery that offers many wallpaper options, in addition to customization options, you will also find a gallery of widgets, such as calendar, temperature, activity, battery and much more. The depth effect with images separates the text on the lock screen from the background.

◉ Simply tap on the item you want to change, and a bunch of customization options will appear.

◉ You can also put a lot of useful widgets for the lock screen, such as temperature, activity rings and calendar.

◉ You can create many different lock screens, and you can easily switch between them by swiping.

◉ Apple says that there are a lot of widgets dedicated to the lock screen and there are many possible designs for them, and they are small and do not take up much space on the screen, and the Now Playing widget can occupy the entire lock screen.

◉ The Live Activity API will allow for live updates, such as live sports scores or updates on the progress of your ride in Uber, you can track events and each update of the application will appear in the widget on the lock screen live, moment by moment, this is a great feature that saved the appearance of a lot of notifications From the same application on the screen as before.

◉ A big change comes with notifications, they will be displayed from the bottom of the screen, making it easier to manage and interact with one hand, and they can be hidden quickly, ensuring users have a clear view of their custom lock screen. And you can also quickly hide all notifications.


Focus modes have also been improved, allowing users to now link focus modes to a specific custom lock screen.

After you customize all the new lock screens, you don't need to switch between them manually. Lock screens can now be tied to a specific focus on the iPhone, so your wallpapers and widgets can be set accordingly.

For example, when focusing on work, you can have a specific lock screen that focuses on work tools and notifications, as well as a professional background; When you switch to your personal focus, the wallpaper might change to something funny, or to a selfie, with the personal widgets you care about.

There are also focus filters for iPhone and iPad, which allow filtering out distracting content within apps, as some app data is automatically hidden to maintain focus. For example, while you're focused on your work, Safari tabs only display work-related tabs, as does Messages, Mail, and Calendar.

Of course, this is not all, as we have not tried the feature yet and have not seen its secrets, and when the update is in your hands, we will provide you with every little and big thing about it.

Did you like the new lock screen design? Tell us in the comments.



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