They turn a blind eye to the violations committed by the Zionist entity against Palestine and put their fingers in their ears when anyone tries to talk about their heinous acts, and now they are trying to silence anyone who refers to Palestine, wears the keffiyeh, or defends this country. Let's know the ugly face that Google hides about us
What's the story
Ariel Koren, the director of marketing at Google who was fighting the Nimbus project, announced her resignation a few days ago after what she described what is happening in the company towards Palestinian employees as a method of hostility and revenge by the management, who is of Jewish origin, and after about seven years of working at Google. Corinne said she received an ultimatum telling her to move from San Francisco to Google's Brazil office or be fired permanently from the company.
I am leaving @Google this week due to retaliation & hostility against workers who speak out. Google moved my role overseas immediately after I opposed its $1B AI/surveillance contracts with Israel. And this is far from an isolated instance.
- Ariel Koren (@ariel_koko) August 30, 2022
Korine said that Google is trying to win hard and get military contracts and the latest is Project Nimbus and since then, Google has become an anti-Palestinian place, the company's employees can no longer express their opinion about the war waged by the Zionist entity on the Palestinians.
A Palestinian Google employee tried to support his country, so he wrote on his page the phrase “Support Palestine,” and here he received a warning from the company and a human resources employee interviewed him for interrogation, describing the phrase as anti-Semitic and offensive. At the same time, you can raise the flag of Ukraine and attack Russia, but, To defend Palestine, then your fate will be warning and expulsion from the company.
This is why the Palestinian employees who work at Google see that they are betraying their country because they cannot speak or even oppose, and many of them feel that he earns his living and his livelihood from the betrayal and persecution of his family who live in the homeland Palestine.
What is the Nimbus project?
The Nimbus project is a $1.2 billion cloud service that will be provided by Google and Amazon to the Zionist entity. It was launched secretly last year. Through it, the occupation army will possess highly advanced technology, powered by artificial intelligence that can be used for surveillance, espionage, and illegal data collection on activists and opponents. Their positions beside expanding the Zionist settlements, usurping more land and, of course, carrying out more oppression and violations against the Palestinians.
google reply
A Google spokesperson said, “We are proud that the government of Israel has chosen Google services to help with the digital transformation of the country as the project includes making the Google cloud available to government agencies for daily workloads such as finance, healthcare, transportation and education, but not directing their technologies to highly sensitive or restricted workloads. “.
Of course, the Google spokesperson did not mention an important clause in the contract, which is the inability of the company to refuse to provide its services to a certain section of the Zionist entity, such as the IDF.
It is reported that Korine indicated that from the moment this contract with the Zionist entity was announced, Google imposed very strict restrictions on information and made everything about it confidential, so no one knows what technology is used for this project and what the occupation army will do with it, and worse than That is, the contract prevents the company from monitoring or knowing what its technology will be used by the Zionist entity.
Finally, for more than a year, Corinne has continued to protest against Project Nimbus in an effort to get Google to back off the deal, even publicly appearing to speak out against a company she has described as being an open and transparent workplace, but those values have not been reflected when it comes to Project Nimbus with occupation army.
And the thing from Matah is not surprising
By our uncalculated consumption of Google services, we made them what they are now
Our opinion is well known and needs no comment. The most important question: what can we do?
Help God, if Arab and Muslim rulers abandon the Palestinian cause, what do we expect from non-Muslims 😔
But.. God suffices us and He is the best agent
All American companies without exception support Israel.
This is the nature of Google and all the major companies, even Apple is the worst and cursed, ask Siri about the time in Palestine and Jerusalem, you will not receive an answer, and if you ask about the Zionist entity (may God bless you), he will answer
Actually I just asked Siri about time in Palestine it replies it's 5:22 pm in Ramallah
Guys, their land and protect it, why are you upset?
God and God plots and plotted the best of planners
Often, if you remain silent, we hear the news of a car that was hit by accident. Glory be to God!!!!
Support Palestine against Google
We are the reason for the loss of Jerusalem and Palestine from the seventies of the last century (we are not united), rulers and peoples
((And never will the Jews or the Christians be pleased with you until you follow their religion.))
All companies are like this, and the principle of Russia and Ukraine is the same for the Zionists and the Palestinians
Google, Apple, and all the big American companies are snakes of material and state policy
I have hated Google since forever, to the point that there is no application for it installed on my device! Most of my hatred for her because of privacy! Of course, even most companies have a bad opinion of them, and the reasons are different, even Apple itself is no longer important to me because of its CEO in particular!
It's like something you're attracted to
With all due respect to the author of the article, but I see a politicization of a technical issue, the article talks about Google and its support for the Zionist entity, as if Apple supports the issues of Jerusalem and Gaza! Our Islamic issues should not be confused with technology. These are companies that deal with governments regardless of their orientations and have an interest in that, and if there is an official who employed his position to serve his ideological goals, so can another Muslim in the same company use his position to serve his religion and his nation. ?! By the way, Tim Cook is a supporter of homosexual issues and their tendencies and supports them strongly and has admitted that he has homosexual tendencies since his childhood, but all of that did not prevent me from admiring Apple products and the impressive technology that they sell to us, his homosexuality and his technology to everyone 😇
I should not condemn him and others!
We need to delete all google apps
All American companies are like this, my friend
After reading this article, I'm thinking about deleting my Google Drive space :D
Allah is my suffice, and the best deputy
God bless you, Jerusalem
Peace be upon you
A bitter truth... All I see is the Ukrainian flag in order to support them, I smile mockingly at the current situation, where for more than 70 years, Palestine has been in this miserable situation of attacks and repression, but the countries hardly even address the matter.
While Ukraine directly see strong international support for it.
The world has become blind and does not see the truth or see it upside down. It has lost the compass of justice, and the first of them is the Arab world!!!
may Allah help
We apologize for Google's ethics regarding Palestine.
The Palestinians themselves are divided
If the Palestinians have different opinions on how to manage their areas or deal with their enemies, this should not be used as a justification for abandoning the first Arab and Muslim issue. We are all Arabs and Muslims and all Palestinians have different opinions and orientations against injustice, enemies and occupation
In fact, the international community deals with the Palestinians in this way, not just Google
Arab countries, their governments no longer give their brothers and the third mosque as important as they give it to their king
Unfortunately, the resistance has become with Iran, but it does not mean that we abandon or abandon the Palestinian people. I feel defeated and your words are incorrect.
Dear Al-Ahmad, may God help you with your sick mind