Today I updated the Arabic keyboard with the latest version with version 1.0
I also updated the keyboard plugin called (Mobile Enhancer) with version 1.1

If you have already installed the Arabic keyboard and (Mobile Enhancer) program before, all you have to do is run the Installer program and update the new versions.
Or was this the first time that an Arabic keyboard was used, so go to this topic for a detailed explanation

Note: Always update (Mobile Enhancer) program first, then restart the phone, then update the Arabic keyboard.
You will not notice a big difference in the update, but it is assumed that the new version does not expire. Also, there is no message telling you that it is a Russian keyboard, and it is also supposed to be more compatible with the phone.

Also, in case you suspect that the new version is the one that works, go to the keyboard settings and make it only one in English, then remove Mobile Enhancer, restart the phone, then delete Arabic iKeyboard. Reinstall the new version of Mobile Enhancer then restart the phone and reinstall Arabic iKeyboard

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