Now, after waiting for months since the latest unrestricted jailbreak was released for version 6.1.2, today announced the release of the tool Evasi0n, which made the jailbreak available unrestrictedly for iOS 7.

Before jailbreaking

  1. Make sure you need a jailbreak, in short, ask yourself a question, what is the benefit of the jailbreak for me? What is the tool that I want through the jailbreak? If you do not know the answer to this question, I advise you to stay away from the jailbreak and its problems, so there is no need for it. And if you need jailbreaking to steal programs and take the right of developers, then this is not making a jailbreak, but rather it is made to buy and download applications from the Cydia store and not rely on the software store only.
  2. After making sure that the jailbreak is suitable for you Back up all your files, It is possible that an error may occur with you and you are forced to do a full restore of your device, so it is best to keep the latest copy of your settings so that your device will return to what it was.
  3. Never open iTunes before the end of the jailbreak.

 Important note:

  • The new jailbreak works on iOS 7, iOS 7.01, iOS 7.02, iOS 7.03 and iOS 7.04 devices. (And if you encounter problems, it is best to take action Restore to iTunes using System Files, and you can get your system file from this link) - (If your device does not support the upgrade to iOS 7 and above, then this jailbreak does not support it)

(Don't forget to make a backup copy)

Warning Important The article must be read to the end and take the steps exactly as they are, so that no data is lost due to non-compliance with the steps.

Download Evasi0n Tool (links are for version 1.0.8, support up to iOS 7.0.6)

Unzip the Evasi0n zip file.

Make sure that your device does not have any passwords, and if there is, cancel the password.

Connect your device to the computer via the USB connection.

Take a backup copy of the operating system via iTunes or iCloud, then close iTunes

Open the Evasi0n tool and of course make sure that your device is still connected to the computer and that iTunes is locked, click on Jailbreak and then wait.


The device will restart more than once, and then evasi0n asks you to open the device and press the icon that appears on the screen as follows:

Congratulations, you have a jailbreak on your device, and you will find the Cydia application installed on the screen: D


  • I cannot download the files and the links above are not working, what should I do?

There is a lot of pressure on the sites, you can wait a bit or try other links from the tool site via this link.

  • Do you recommend us to do a jailbreak?

We at iPhone are a well-known Islam that we do not like jailbreaking, especially for the average user, as his problems are many and the benefit from it sometimes is not as large as his problems. But if you are naughty and love to try everything, try doing a jailbreak.

  • Can I scan Algilbraik after it is installed؟

Yes, it is possible, so by doing a Restore and returning your device as new.

  • Is not the jailbreak forbidden and illegal? How does the word Islam promote it?

My dear brother, the jailbreak is legal and legal, you need to learn the difference between a legal jailbreak and an illegal crack. I beg you Read this important article.


It is advised to wait a little while before jailbreaking, as there may be some problems that appear

Source | evasi0n

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