The Camelion keyboard is one of the most popular keyboards that support Arabic on the software store, but many of those who use this keyboard deal with it like any other keyboard downloaded from the software store and forget the most important feature in it, which is the exclusive feature that has not been made before in any keyboard Whether Arabic or international, it is the advantage of making your own keyboard.
Chmeleon_MakeYourKeyboardWhen developing a camelion keyboard, the goal was to create a keyboard that makes you create your keyboard. A very smart idea, and we were dreaming that it would come true, why impose the position of the buttons on you? Why is typed text imposed on the keyboard buttons? Why not create your own keyboard and put any letter or even full text on any button?

How to make a keyboard

Open the Camlilion Keyboard app, then go to Keyboards.


Choose special panels and press the "Create a keyboard" button.


Enter the keyboard data, regarding the template is the keyboard that you will modify it, the default Arabic template is a new blank Arabic keyboard.


Now click on any button to add the text or letter to it.


I'm going to make a keyboard with words that I always use. As you notice the title, you put simple words in it, or the director is the one who will write when the button is pressed.


I will delete some buttons, I do not need them all, by long pressing any button, then the options to delete or add a button appear.


Now the keyboard is just the way I wanted it :)


And ready to be used anywhere. Also, I can share it with my friends by long pressing on the keyboard, then the sharing option appears, then I can mail it to anyone.


This is the purpose of the Camelion keyboard and you will be amazed at the creativity of users in creating their own keyboards, some of them sent us keyboards in languages ​​such as French and Turkish, some of them sent a keyboard to be used when traveling and some of them made a keyboard with only numbers, and one made a keyboard for his wife with a button just one :)


Camelion keyboard has many features ( Read this article ) But we see if this was the only feature in it, this would be enough. Creating your keyboard is much faster than Apple keyboard shortcuts and also clear in front of you and it has a variety of what makes you creativity. Create an article with keyboards created by users.

chameleon keyboard keyboard
Have you used this feature before? Did you make your keyboard? Do not forget to share a keyboard with us and send it to our website mail.

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