Once upon a time it is perhaps the fastest in the history of the major versions of iOS. The famous Pangu team releases a jailbreak for iOS 9 devices a month before the OS is released.
Important Notes:
- The new jailbreak works on devices running iOS 9.0, iOS 9.0.1 and iOS 9.0.2.
- The jailbreak has just been released, so you may find a lot of Cydia apps and tools do not work.
- The jailbreak tool is currently available for Windows devices only.
- Your computer must be connected to the Internet during the jailbreak installation.
- It is recommended that you create a restore in iTunes using system files, and you can get your system file from this link.
- Make sure to backup your device before jailbreaking in case of any problem that you have to do with Resor. This is very likely.
- Make sure you have enough free space on your device before jailbreaking.
Before doing the jailbreak, make sure (my friend) that you need a jailbreak, in short, ask yourself a question, what is the benefit of the jailbreak for me? What is the tool that I want through the jailbreak? If you do not know the answer to this question, I advise you to stay away from the jailbreak and its problems, so there is no need for it. And if you need jailbreaking to steal programs and take the right of developers, then this is not making a jailbreak, but rather made for buying and downloading applications from the Cydia store and not relying on the software store only.
How to jailbreak
Download the Pangu utility (the tool currently works only on Windows). The tool can be downloaded For Windows operating system Or from their site en. Pangu.io.
Make sure that the device you want to jailbreak on does not have a security code to unlock it, and if there is, make sure to cancel it.
Connect your device to the computer via the USB connection.
Take a backup copy of the operating system via iTunes. Close iTunes (this is precaution, because the jailbreak sometimes destroys your device and you may have to do a complete restore of your device).
Open the Pangu tool and of course make sure that your device is still connected to the computer and that iTunes is turned off.
Deactivate Find My iPhone, if enabled, from Settings> iCloud.
Enable Airplane Mode for your iPhone.
Open the app and you'll see one option in front of you: Start
It will open a new page and ask you to make sure that you have backed up your device's data, so press the right button “Already Backup”.
Wait for the jailbreak process to finish, and then your device will restart.
When the jailbreak reaches 65%, it will restart the phone, then a message will appear to you asking you to activate the flight mode
When the jailbreak reaches 75%, you will be asked to press the Pangu icon that appeared on the device's screen. By opening this application, you will be asked to access the “images”, which you must accept in order for the jailbreak to continue. With approval, the jailbreak will continue until it reaches the end and the cydia icon appears for you.
Peace be upon you. Can I delete the iPhone and inside the jailbreak
Are you in jailbreak for version 9.3.5
Peace be upon you ... inquire about jailbreak XNUMX of all kinds ... did it come down ... or how long it takes until it is available and thank you ..
The issuance of my device 9.1
IPhone 6s
Jailbreak is not accepted, what should I do?
The version of my ios9.2.1 works ???????????
If it does not work, how do I come back to the version for me before
When will jailbreak for version 9.2 be released?
Gives you a wellness
But I wish there was news about the iso 9.2.1 jailbreak because the wait has been long and we are tired as if there will be no jailbreak for this cursed version, knowing that you are the ones who said to update to this version because it will have a jailbreak soon
If I know, go back to any old version, by God, I will not be late or humiliate waiting for this disgusting jailbreak
Download Cydia for version XNUMX
It is true that Eco Jailbreak is for version 9.2.1
May God’s peace be upon you. Does the gebreak support version 9.2.1?
Peace be upon you. I have updated my device for iOS 9.1. When will the jailbreak be downloaded for this version?
Ok, I am upgrading my device to 9.2.1 Is there a jailbreak?
My brothers, please, help me. I settled everything that was required of flying, etc., and the page on which the screen was located, came out to me, but it was gray in color, so it does not work.
My brothers, please, help me. I settled everything that was required from flying, etc., and the page in which the screen was gray appeared, did not work. See me the solution, please. “̯
I am the bearer of the tool and everything, but I get red words in English before I click on START
When will the jailbreak be downloaded?
iOS 9.2 🙄💔
Ok version XNUMX when it comes down
Please allow me to come in the color of the start button in the jailbreak and it does not work even though I downloaded iTunes. What should I do?
When will the 9.2 jailbreak be downloaded?
I restored it with iTunes, but it redirects me to Google Drive. What do you think I should do? I am waiting for a response.
Unfortunately, it did not download, referring me to Google Drift, my disease
When will the iOS 9.2 jailbreak be downloaded?
please reply
Please help me. I followed all the steps, but in the end I do not find Cydia. Please help me :(
Peace be upon you. I installed this jailbreak, but when a new update is released for my tools in Cydia, it does not show me the rest of the old versions. Why??
When will jailbreak be released for ios9.1
Whoever used the jailbreak, deleted it, and downloaded the new update, does the jailbreak have a feature to save tools or copy from the iCloud?
Peace be upon you and the mercy and blessings of God. I have a question: is there a jailbreak for IOS 9.2? Do you know when it was released, and you have a thousand greetings from me
I have a problem if I connect the device and know iTunes and everything is ready. If I come to install the jailbreak, the program does not recognize the device. Please advise me, God bless you.
I have a problem. I interrupted the device with a plug, and everything is a device, but the problem is that the device does not recognize the program. Please advise me, may God bless you.
God bless you. I printed the jailbreak with benefits and harms, but I have a question that I downloaded the jailbreak on the laptop and completed the download, but the start icon in the jailbreak does not open. Why did they give me the answer from your part. Thank you.
If you please, a jailbreak 9.2 came down or no, and if we did, when did it come?
From me download jailbreak to the system XNUMX
Peace be upon you. I am talking to the cellphone, but when I open the pangu, I get a red word and it does not open with me
Is there a jailbreak 9.1 and how is it brought up to the latest version?
Is there a jailbreak 9.1?
Is there a way to jailbreak version 9.1?
If there is a jailbreak, please let me know.
How do I do it !!
IPhone version 8.4.1
And demanded an update for version 9.1
Dear brothers
I want to download the jailbreak for version 9.1, can I?
And give me the way
The best thing about the jailbreak is that it allows you to control the smallest details, so call you, but the company you like Apple has its own policy of it and depends on a unified, simple and easy operating system
Look for a jailbreak version 9.1 is there
My device updated 9.1 When will the official version of the jailbreak be released from the bangu site of my device?
I downloaded the program, but it doesn't work, and you get a red message
I am iPhone 6 version 9.1
Please give me the solution
When will the jailbreak be released in iOS 9.1?
Thank you, iPhone Islam, I am looking for a release date for the 9.1 jailbreak
Is there a JiaBreak for iOS 9.1 release?
I already knew what a restore is, but my question is what is a restore with using system files, and how is it done?
I also worked jailbreak on an ipad
It is updating to ios9.0.1 and then i did update without copy and then problem
IPad 2
Can I make formate because I tried afterwards, but without success
Thank you for the jailbreak
Will jailbreak come for ios9.1?
Everyone is free to have their device, but whoever puts a jailbreak, why don't you buy Samsung and relax your brain when you want to modify the interfaces, icons, etc. ...
A question to Yvonne Islam
Is Cydia Impactor working on iOS9.0.1?
To retrieve Virgin XNUMX instead of XNUMX What space do I need to be in the iPhone?
Peace be upon you. May I know version XNUMX have a jailbreak or not
Possible information about jailbreaking its benefits and disadvantages. Thank you
I have a problem, after I downloaded the jailbreak, the game Clash of Clans was prepared and started working for me, noting that my version is 9.0.2
Guys, after you have lost you, it is possible to use a Bluetooth source
Because I am too much, Blunt, and I hope for a quick reply
I don’t have a problem when I download the mount and open my time. I’m in trouble with the file, and the second time it’s open with start. M opens with me the meaning of the password being paralyzed, and it ran a mode for flight and paralyzed the site, as well as, but it doesn't open and I hope someone says a solution that I’m grateful for.
There is a jailbreak for the release
ios 9.1
Peace be upon you my brothers, how can I jailbreak an iPhone 5 with a 9.2 system?
I was going to jailbreak, but when I read the comments, I said, I will not jailbreak it, because all the comments are negative
After jailbreaking, a crash occurs in the Cydia and it closes when installing the tools ... What is the solution? Brothers, please advise us ..
Peace be upon you. I want to download the new jailbreak for ios9, are there any problems with it?
How do I remove the jailbreak? I did it and I want to remove it. Someone urgently needs it. iOS9
Restore the phone
I did the jailbreak and all of it was perfect, but when I came, the lotus came out alone, and I don’t know how to open the lotus. What is the solution
I would not advise anyone to download the jailbreak at the present time. It has errors and defects. I downloaded it and deleted it, but Cydia has problems and there are no sorts with the victory of the latest version.
Please, how did you delete the jailbreak ??
Hello guys, I made a jailbreak on the iPhone 4s ios 9.2, but I have a problem after opening Cydia. I cannot enter the word Installer. Is there a solution to the problem? Thank you
Peace be upon you. I have a problem with the jailbreak. I have any source that I enter it that comes out of the entire Cydia. This is for those who have the device in Arabic, but for those who convert the device language to English, it works completely. What comes out of Cydia is nothing.
... and thank you and sorry for the long time
Peace be upon you, we have gotten used to you. Responding to follower’s inquiries or even responding to similar inquiries, but why did you ignore our message? Perhaps the blocker is better. May God reward you well
Hello, peace be upon you. Does jailbreak 9.2 support iPhone XNUMX?
Take a reply and thank you
I have a problem with Cydia disappearing from the phone, ios9.0.2. The solution is may God reward you with good
Guys, I downloaded the developer's version and copied it to my device 9.1. How do I delete it?
I wanted to tell you something, iPhone Islam website. There is a tool in Cydia called Forcy, which is available in the bigboss source. I discovered that it works on the 3D Touch feature like the one in the iPhone 6s. So, from this talk, Apple did not use screen add-ons. I hope you will raise this news in a new article so that everyone can benefit from this service.
This jailbreak is guaranteed, or what?
Is jilberk got mites in it
Does jelberk work on iPhone S6 Plus? I tried more than once
The solution is to turn the English phone over and start working Cydia
Peace be upon you, by God, I prefer team taig better than pangu. This is my opinion
The best site
The jailbreak does not work with me. What is the solution? Please help me
Peace be upon you, my brothers. I faced a problem when I downloaded Cydia.
As soon as I turn it on, sources appear in red "could not open file". After a while, Cydia opens. But I cannot download anything, even if I type in the search, it does not find anything. Brothers, help me. iOS 9.0.2 is the update for my device.
I've got a stop at XNUMX% and you sell me err code (OA)
What is the solution, please advise and thank you
Peace be upon you …
I am facing the same problem
I am waiting for your benefit as well
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
Guys, if the work of the jalberick arrives at 75 and says, "Open the icon, open it, what you open, it closes along. Please reply"
All I try to jailbreak I give me err code (OA)
If you allow, I did the jailbreak and open the cydia, and when I come to open the sources or install the program, it will exit by itself? can I know why
Turn your mobile phone in English and it will open
I have a problem with Cydia, if I enter it, let me get out of the program, what is the solution? .
I have the same problem, what is the reason ??
Vinegar your mobile in English
Ios 9.0.2 update
The jailbreak does not work perfectly on Cydia
Click on Source and view the program
Is it possible for a solution to delete some Alsorsat ??
Is there a jailbreak. Version 8.4.1
Why are we being asked to access the pictures? With the purpose of what?
Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you
We thank your interest and hope for further progress and prosperity 💐
Peace be upon you. I have a question. What is the difference between the iPhone 6s and other iPhone 6s devices? For example, there is a large iPhone 6s box and a small iPhone 6s box. Is there a difference? Which is better, the large box or the small one? I hope you will give me the answer. With my sincere thanks and appreciation, my friend. What do they say is the best thing about the iPhone? True or what? I hope you will answer as soon as possible, if possible.
Peace be upon you, please. I have an iPhone for AS, I updated it to version 9.0.2, and I tried to jailbreak it, but it is not complete for me and the download stops at a tenth of a percent even though I settled all that is required to do, stop finding and activating the flight, but I tried a lot and I want a solution, may God reward you with good.
Peace be upon you. Please kindly respond to the first message so that I can do a jailbreak, may God bless you
I am with you, if the jailbreak is present, there are problems, but the iPhone needs to be jailbroken and the iOS system that you launch Apple, and it does not reach the largest number of users until after updating the Cydia tool for compatibility
For the sake of suspending and disconnecting Cydia, the jailbreak will be downloaded in the English language, it will work with you regularly, but the only problem is the memory is full and lasts
The problem was I downloaded Cydia and it works, but when I downloaded the icleaner tool, the system gave me XNUMX% full. No solution, the percentage came down to less than heck.
He refuses to carry a jailbreak for me
Will the jailbreak tool be updated? Please reply, Yvonne Islam
I wish we could know when the current version is talking two problems. The installer will access the program.
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Can I understand Explanation 4: Take a copy of the operating system, which is exactly what
The download is complete, but when the download is 100% complete, the device turns off and works on the apple and does not open the device
And the jailbreak icon on the laptop is frying. Attach the wire to the device and start frying ??
The device is preferred hanging on the apple ??
Hello .. I have a Cydia problem settles Crash when opened .. I changed the language and the same story .. Someone has a solution or suggestion .. Thank you for your response.
Brothers in a problem with my device during the entry to the source, it gets out of the cydia immediately.
I have the same problem
Guys how to download cydia
Download a new update for the jailbreak with Ihsan
How do I download the new update currently my old one
Peace be upon you. Is there a program to clean the device of residual files outside the jailbreak?
iCleaner Pro
Peace be upon you. Does allowing the jailbreak to access the pictures affect the privacy of the device as a girl
Hello, I downloaded the jailbreak and everything, but for those who downloaded the cydowm program, and scanned the cydia scan with it, I went to the second jailbreak download, and after it went 100 by 100, Raseer concluded.
My brother, I have a problem with Cydia. For those who click on the installed programs, they can download the entire Cydia in the event that the device is in Arabic, and for those who change the language to English, it opens with me like sweetness.
me too
Hello brothers, I did the same as what is above and after the process has finished successfully, I want to open the Cydia so it closes immediately and the screen returns to the menu
When I downloaded it, I encountered a problem in the country in which the store (UAE)
Do I have to change the country?
Each time you enter the host source, the program shuts down any work
If the language is Arabic, convert to English
Ok, if the device is English, and you don't accept the Cydia icon will open. what is the solution.
God place you brother
Unfortunately, the same message appears
I made a jailbreak, but Cydia does not open
The jailbreak still has problems when entering any source, but when changing the language to English, it works perfectly. We are waiting until the jailbreak is stable.
After the jailbreak, enter Cydia, and when you click on the Installer tab, Cydia comes out and works as Crash
My brothers, pay attention to the update
Unfortunately, the Yvonne Islam site is only meant to take precedence and is the first one to download the news and the link
This update has two serious concerns
The first is that it requests access to the images
The second thing is to make you think that he is uploading files, knowing that the jailbreaker first takes you back up
For programs, pictures, numbers, and everything that exists
Whoever wants to happen and urgently, I can tell him that if I update your device, it is empty, and you do not upload it to him.
After you download Cydia and finish it, return your files to this one that I can advise you about, and your safety and destruction
I followed the steps and it doesn't recognize my computer
God bless you iPhone Islam because the iPhone does not do anything without a jailbreak
Well, jailbreaking has its benefits and disadvantages, and whoever needs it will find that it is very useful and vice versa 👍🏾
Praise be to God, but I don't understand anything. Please article on Cydia
The article is available. Enter in the right menu and type a search about cydia or jailbreak. A lot of articles appear for you, and if your money is reading, download the speaking application and enjoy the explanation
I followed all the lines but the pangu was not linked to my device
Stop the Find Your Device service from the settings and restart the device and make sure that it is in offline mode, turn off the security code, and the fingerprint in the case of the iPad and, God willing, it works with you
Guys, if the work of the jalberick arrives at 75 and says, "Open the icon, open it, what you open, it closes along. Please reply"
My brother, I have Windows 8 and I downloaded the jailbreak tool, and everything I try to install is writing to me that this version is not compatible with my device, knowing that I made an ios8 jailbreak from the same device. Please advise me.
May Allah reward you
Click the right mouse button, select "Run the program" properties in the administrator mode, choose the compatibility mode, Windows 7, and it will work with you, God willing
I was not able to open the jailbreak tool as I said it does not match the Windows version even though it is the Windows version. I have the latest thing. What is the reason ????
I have the same problem and can't find a solution
Brother, when I install Banjo as an administrator, a message appears with the written download update
And I also wanted a solution
I would like to extend my sincere thanks to the iPhone Islam team for their tremendous efforts in all fields related to Apple products.
God bless you :)
My dear ones, if you are what you use, you will see that I am waiting for it when ios8.1.3 was downloaded
Because in sweet things there is nothing known to him, except for the one who loves to risk everything.
شكرا لكم
Subprocess /usr/libexec/cydia cydo/returned error code. This is my problem.
Everyone who opens the program is required to tell me the updates will work
By God, I don’t know why you love the jailbreak in the first place, the iPhone, what is missing, anything Apple, with the new updates. All doors have been opened until you change what you want on the iPhone and with regard to the paid apps. My brother, who like to buy it, why do you hate it from Cydia? This is even forbidden. What should I buy the best Android device?
This is my personal opinion
There are many advantages that jailbreaking gives you, if you benefit from them, it will be beneficial to you and vice versa
I downloaded the program and settled everything, and when Backup ends, he says "error."
Praise be to God, I did a quarter of an hour ago, I did a jailbreak, and Hugh like honey
I have a problem with Cydia
The problem is that the jailbreak, after downloading it, gives you the memory full and what you want to do is the solution
The jailbreak is all a problem, and this is what we warn about
Please reply me, everyone who opens the program says updates
My great manager, peace be upon you
If I downloaded Cydia on my laptop, he would be asked to purchase or enter the code. What is the above?
It is true, and the wali of his house ventured into his device 👍🏾👍🏾👍🏾
Peace be upon you. I am the most person in need of a jailbreak because I work in a commercial store and I put it down to people. Praise be to God.
I turned on the jailbreak .. but it doesn’t give me a push to start
And it gives me that the phone was connected to the computer ... But what was the phone connected to the program ??
Can I have some help please??
The top of the jailbreak process and all the steps were done with me, but when it reaches 90%, the device restarts itself, the process is not completed and returns to the start and the Cydia icon does not appear !!!
Peace be upon you
Is the jailbreak complete and download it today, or has it flawed, and wait a while?
The jailbreak worked because on the last step, when you open the Pangu app, it checks the length of which I cannot open it
Knowing that the device has nothing in it, nor a new account
I worked. I showed up for iOS 9.0.2 via OTA. Is it possible to do a jailbreak?
Hello Yvonne Islam
The jailbreak came with me 100%, but when I came to open the Cydia icon, it came out all along, trying more than once, but without finding any money for the solution in your opinion.
The same problem happens with me
Hi Yvonne Islam
The jailbreak is XNUMX% with me.
But when I enter the Cydia icon, it comes out along. What is the solution? Do you think it is, please respond if you allow ...
Because I always write to you and do not reply to you, I hope you pay attention to the above subject and respond to it
Convert the device's language to English
Cydia closes the first time I open it
To solve the Cydia problems about the device's language in English
Hello, I want to ask about iOS9 on iPhone 4s. Is it good and fast and there are no problems, or should I stay on iOS8.4, knowing that I have jailbroken. Thank you.
See problems everyone, I wish you did not go down
Stay in iOS8.4, because additions to ios9 will definitely be found in the jailbreak with many privileges.
The jailbreak is XNUMX% downloaded to my device, but the tools do not work yet
The device maybe works to passcode the right of the device off how to iron it
Meyerd is running on Windows XNUMX
Hi, I downloaded the program, but it does not satisfy me. Software, tell me, what is the solution, please
I have Cydia working as a crash. What is the reason?
Peace be upon you
Please upload an article on iCloud Drive
What is its benefit?
And explain how to use it?
Thank you for the iPhone is Islam ...
Long live your hands
Download the jailbreak asking me to buy or enter the code from the same jailbreak
What is the solution?
Download the jailbreak asking me to buy
There is nothing better than jailbreaking
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
If you allow the iPhone's Hijri calendar link to combine it with the Gregorian if possible ,,,
Thank you
Can I ask?
In the publication is a name mentioned?
Everyone see your name, but I do not see my name? 😂😂😂!
My head has grown 😂👆✋
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah your name live up
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
My jailbreak did not work on Windows 10 nor on Windows 7 32bit ..
I wish the solution ..
Thank you
The store is not running
Peace be upon you, a jailbreak that reaches me 65 and I get an error 51. What is the solution? Please reply
After I made the latest update to the iPhone Islam program, the program collapses all I open
Version 8.4 with a jailbreak factor
I deleted the app and downloaded it a second time and the same problem
I will download the jailbreak so I can download the paid apps for free
Hey group, I have a problem
I have an iPhone XNUMX, and after a month's warranty expired, I found a factory defect in it, which is that the front camera has a phase that enables it to deform
Do you think Apple can exchange it after the warranty expires?
Yvonne Islam
I sent this message while I'm in Cairo, buying the new iPhone
God willing, he will be
iPhone 6s more
Gold. 64g
My soul would have been XNUMX, but unfortunately, we did not go to Egypt
I am upset that you are Marditosh above me. The questions I missed I expected from you more attention than this
I have a problem with Cydia. If I enter the installed tools, he will tell me from the lady, so he comes !! What is the solution to the problem?
Change the device language
I have a problem I don’t cause it
If I write the Apple ID and the password, it will show me that cannot connect to the iTunes store. Restart has worked and nothing has changed ...
Someone that has become his before and can benefit us?
Thank you Yvonne Islam
When start the jailbreak, it reaches 40% and then gives a 0A error
Please tell me what is the solution
Well, it is full now and for all in short needs and defects, and I almost worked, but it happened. Just do it again. I wish you reply.
You would be rewarded for your valuable information
You downloaded successfully
Thanks to Yvonne Islam team for this good news
happy New Year
Thank you for your efforts and interest
My prayer app remained dreaded after what happened to iOS 9
And I made a delight for him, and then I went to it again, and it still got dirty
what should I do ?
Services The site can be suspended or normal. Reset all settings
Is it in the limit of the new jailbreak dish, otherwise not ???
Simple and beautiful explanation
But regarding the jailbreak ..?!
گ: An operating system, whatever it is
Its advantages, its capabilities, its capabilities
It remains an easy to hack system
It is full of malicious vulnerabilities and viruses
Never protect privacy
As if you provide your data and information
On a plate of them
Otherwise, jailbreak the iPhone
Otherwise reduce battery life
And also slow the commands and increase the sudden death of the iPhone
And many other negatives
So I don't like dealing with a system
It does not protect my data from piracy
So I prefer to stay on iOS
It is enough that you are comfortable with him
The opposite of jailbreaking is very tiring
So I recommend staying on the original system
Thanks everyone 👌🏻
True 👍🏻
Is in a solution
Thank you very much, and God bless you
I have a problem today. The jailbreak has been installed, so it is not counted, and the name of the program is a valid application from win32
Thank you for the good news
I do not see that there is any reason that my device is threatened, especially as he asks to allow access to the images
Something for things
The best news, thank you iPhone Islam, you are always in the forefront, but I prefer to wait for the jailbreak to stabilize and update the Cydia tools.
Thank you for your great effort in conveying the latest iPhone news. May Allah reward you with all good.
I have an iPhone 6. When I download your application, I open it and it takes 5 seconds and then closes (crashes). What is the solution?
Thank you for the important information and advice
The same problem, when I settled jailbreak, if I entered a fixer that came from Cydia, but when I switched the language in English, it became 100% working.
Honestly, I need the jailbreak because it has a program for reporting messages, but please let me know when the jailbreak is safe and complete.
Greetings and thank you
God willing, Professor Akab, but give us the fax number or an effective means of communication in order to give you a piece of news that will last you long.
Long ago I looked for TWIC to receive message reports, according to my information, but the iPhone 4 supports this.
If possible, give me the name of the program and I would be grateful to you
Thank you, Excellency, and a special thanks, Sir, for your efforts in enlightening the followers of iPhone Islam!
And you last
The question remains. If I am a Passcode operator, I will be able to do a jailbreak, meaning if my mobile is stolen, someone will be able to disconnect my account from the mobile
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
The news is good for jailbreak lovers, but there is a point that we have not come across from the jailbreak makers, which is to allow them to access the most malicious images
Is it for spying or a point that they use for installation? Please clarify this point for us, since they are specialists. Thank you
Use access to photos
Because it is a jailbreak vulnerability via the application of images, which is the vulnerability that was used this time to create a jailbreak
Peace be upon you. I downloaded the copy with me, but the code is required for the number or purchase. Please advise us
Waiting for the jailbreak on XNUMX, and it looked at the branches from the ninth issue. This means that Apple closes the gap with a little faster, for the sake of "fame." Damn
Mohamed Al-Adel, who is me! Watch me
May God be pleased with you, how I carried it from the laptop. I carried it, but for those who press it, he says, why not check it
Because you are the best follower on the iPhone, Islam, and deserves attention and care,
We all automatically see our name in the article after logging in
Ok, I downloaded the jailbreak, but when I entered it, I got a fix from Cydia
The device language allowance is English
Change the device language
Thank you for your creative efforts
The best news I have been waiting for from the period of the iPhone without jailbreak, like a car without wheels, but we wait for a second time until the jailbreak is stabilized and the Cydia tools are updated
I thank Mr. Bin Sami p for directing the article to me
And I say, I am as you think me well, so I do not want, nor do I like jailbreaking, and I do not like to steal any application and I have an Apple account and an iTunes card balance
But I would like to answer a question about the jailbreak. There is a very nice feature that I have seen on my device
LG G2 is that we can turn the screen on and off by double clicking anywhere on the screen. Is this feature present in the jailbreak?
I hope that Apple will add it, because I do not like to use the home button except when necessary, and I use it mostly by assistive toch, especially after updating and adding the possibility of adding automatic options.
And thanks to the Islam iPhone team
Ben Sami, because he directed the article directly to you and ignored the rest, don’t you notice that it is racist and the style is involved in the consequences of favoritism and nepotism???
Conclude, use the power button to turn off the screen
Instead of the home button
To date I do not need it. Because the device loses its protection. And I don't. I do not recommend it
I did not and will not use it, Generation Break lost me with all its advantages! Because he loses the most important thing for me protection and safety
I think that the iPad Pro will be the cause of the company’s downfall, as its size and weight will impede the user in carrying it, and its speakers will cause it to close when caught, and the quality of its image that hurts the eye. These are all defects, as it is a failed device and I want them to stop selling it upon its release.
Your words are right, the giant Apple will collapse because of the Pro iPhones ,,,
Your words and orders must be delivered as quickly as possible in order to save themselves from collapse! ! !
We should boycott the use of chargers, headphones and iPhone covers to discipline Apple!!
What do you think? Do you support it?
If you are what you want, do not buy it
But remember that there are people who want it
It is amazing that the company has stopped selling a device that cost millions to darken your eyes
thank you for the advices
Thank you, I never like jailbreaking
Peace be upon you. I have a problem, even if it is outside this topic. For two months, iCloud has not been working for me, even though I have asked the device to do it several times. Please advise us. Thank you.
I imagine crashes on the iCloud servers because I have exactly the same problem
The same problem for you, even though you took a very large storage capacity
If you download the software in Windows 10, it will refuse to run, saying, "This application cannot be run on your computer. To find the version for your computer, refer to the program's publisher."
What is the solution to you, exactly ?!
I don't recommend jailbreaking
Thank you for your effort and the wonderful explanation. I would like to note that the jailbreak will not work until after making sure that you have downloaded a copy to the device via the computer from iTunes because the air version is not suitable for jailbreaking
If you please, I want the program to record calls on the iPhone XNUMX Plus, name it, and in a program for which it is recorded, it can be useful if you please
Les pictures !!!
I do not recommend downloading it, and if someone wants a device without protection, let him leave the iPhone and go to Samsung or something similar
I am with you
Good evening
I downloaded the jailbreak, but I have a problem, I know it, and Haya
It is all that is entered to Source and opened a package that comes out of Cydia
I hope that you will help me, I have certified the iPhone jailbreak download that is not suitable for anyone else
He also said that Yvonne Islam said, "We recommend patience, because he has made many mistakes."
About the English language
I turned it into English and loaded the programs into Arabic
I go to the start and come at XNUMX and stand for it
(((Before jailbreaking, make sure, (Ali)) that you need a jailbreak ...))
Why do you say ((Oh Ali ...)) and I noticed him in more than one article
They love you 🌹
My brother, it is a feature in the iPhone application Islam, for example, my name is (iPhone lover Islam)
And they say to me, O (lover of Yvonne Islam), at a time when I wrote my name
And find articles (Ya Tayseer)
In the article, I mean, "Nawlik", in your name, follows you, who wrote my brother
Got it ??
Oh, yeah, I arrived ,, salmooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
Peace be upon you, thank you for following the latest news and informing us of it. As for me, for more than two years I have not used the jailbreak on the iPhone, but on the iPad I have used it to download xmod for some games
Nice, but if you wait for the better version
Thank you for a wonderful presentation in a beautiful manner and high thought for a happy news 👍🏾
This indicates the many errors and loopholes in iOS9. I wish I hadn’t updated it :(
Oh and thank you, thank you for your articles, but your articles about the jailbreak, mention them in a way that I like .. As for the rest of your articles, I mention my name in it. I feel that I am a friend of Yvonne Islam.
Peace be upon you, Yvonne Islam, thank you for your efforts. I have a question. I have an iPhone 8.4S ios9 and a jailbreak factor. You advise me to update it to iosXNUMX and do a jailbreak. Please reply and thank you
No, your versions are supported by XNUMX
I was in love with the iPhone XNUMX, and I hated the iPhone
Peace be upon you. Good evening everyone. May I know what is the best location for the call to prayer and determine the time for prayer on the iPhone
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
Frankly, I used to jailbreak so much that it is difficult for me to use an iPhone than others. I do not update my device or upgrade to the latest system until after the jailbreak is released.
So it's the time for the iPhone 6s.
Apple is working hard to develop iOS and protect your device, and then you come and ruin it by doing what is called jailbreaking, making your device weak and hacked! Unfortunately, many of us do not know anything about iOS and how important it is to protect the device first! My advice is to read about your devices!!!
Thank you for your efforts and I am waiting for the new update of the iPhone Islam, but please answer me. Please ask me when is the date for the update of the iPhone Islam 👍🏼
Jailbreak is made for iPhone acceleration tool, and it works perfectly
I hope that you will inform us of the tools that work on the system 9. Thank you very much and appreciation for your tremendous efforts.
Nice and wonderful thing, and thank you for this wonderful news
May God keep us away from the jailbreak and its problems
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, great news
When I backup, nothing happens. Otherwise, the device performs a restart or asks to press the Pangue icon, so what is the problem?
So far what I need it for
I do not recommend anyone to download the jailbreak !!
Thank you, but dear way to delete the iOS7 jailbreak
Thank you for the clarification. As for the ninth issue, I will wait a while until its defects are corrected
I downloaded the Cydia, but if you want to log in to the installed programs, it will automatically check the Cydia, please advise us.
Peace be upon you. I am issuing 8.1.1, I am updating to 9.0.2, and I am not waiting for the release of 9.1. Please reply quickly
An update to the new version is better, and it is possible that if it was issued XNUMX, they would close the jailbreak vulnerability. If you do not want the jailbreak, wait for the release of XNUMX.
Sure, I want to thank you now for an event that helped God help you
The jailbreak is my love, I will jailbreak and this is the end of the world
It's not the end of the world 🌅 but the end of your device 😏😒
Salam: Thank you for the great effort
As for the jailbreak, it is certain that there is an agreement between the two companies, but the question is, why does the new jailbreak ask for access to the images? It is the first time that there is something like this ????????
If there is a clear answer, please respond
Download the cydia, no, please reply ios9.0.2
Download it What is expected
I do not believe everything that Apple releases a new version that they hack, I mean, Apple is so weak in protecting devices, or did it allow the jailbreak to enter the iOS 9 hidden in exchange for something material?
I wanted a program like bitesms, could you help me? It was one of the reasons for jailbreaking
They switched the device's language to English, and the problems started to disappear
A thousand thanks to you for raising awareness and taking care of followers
Excellent 👍🏻
Thank you iPhone Islam for the clarification. It is really an excellent program and very respectful people.
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, for your efforts and for the wonderful questions
thank you
Please I want help today. Whatsapp happened and the icon never opens anymore. I want a solution for my iPhone 5
The work of the Joule fallow with the humus XNUMX seconds
As for the glyric
So I downloaded the tool on my computer and followed all the steps to jailbreak it
On my device (iPad mini XNUMX Retina XNUMXG WiFi)
The password has been canceled
Find My iPhone)
When the process reaches XNUMX%, it asks me to open the pangue icon and then press OK to allow images, but the device closes the application before it gives me the permission question
The process was repeated repeatedly, and the iPad still closes the application once pressed and before it even opens for a second !!
What is the solution in your opinion
Please advise me
Because I became this iPad archer from the day I spoke to it, and I do not use it because there is no WhatsApp
And the Max Tube application (for download from YouTube)
And I only rely on my iPhone XNUMXS which has a very small screen
You have to restore your device
Thanks for the clarification, really an excellent program
Thanks to God, the jailbreak has been installed, but it is not stable. It separates when I try to access the contents of the sources, for example, the Arab source. When I enter the packages, the Cydia application disconnects
It also disconnects when I try to enter the option (installed) next to the search option
Is there anyone encountered this problem?
Same problem with me
The same problem is my brother, and I hope young people benefit us
Your problem is that you are not reading the entire article .. it has been mentioned that there may be some errors because the jailbreak has just been downloaded
I downloaded the jailbreak and everything I open to it is drunk. What is the solution ?? please respond quickly
I was crazy about jailbreaking until IOS 7 came out. I remember very well that I enjoyed my phone to the fullest extent. My advice if you just bought your device. Don't jailbreak. Seriously: Jailbreaking is passion.
Thank you iPhone Islam
The jailbreak is unnecessary
Your articles are wonderful and I benefit greatly from them
When I heard that there is an application on the Appstore, with which you can take a picture of the person trying to unlock the iPhone without your knowledge, where it is being taken. He has a picture on the front camera as soon as he mistakenly uses the Kurd to unlock the iPhone
Is this true and if so, what is this application?
Thank you so much
This is a program you download from Cydia, I think its name is icaughtu pro. I am looking for it on the repository of BigBoss
The stranger is the required ear to enter the photos, something that was the first time I saw and baffled me
Ok, would you advise me to go on my iPhone 6, or not
The better means that I am unable to jailbreak because the device will be locked with the correct iCloud
What are the supported devices? And is the iPhone 6s one of them?
And thanks for the suggestion
It supports iOS 9, so your device is one of them
Is the jailbreak useful for the blind?
It works like any normal program used by the blind or is there a feature for the blind about it
If the male jailbreak is chopped up, I mean, everything is going away? please reply
It can not go, but it is best to make a backup for safety
Do back up and in case anything is going, you can easily return it
I can help you through the iCloud
If you follow the steps, you will not be grating and nothing, but it is better for you to make copies
Thanks for everything that matters to Apple and everything new. But the jailbreak is fought by Apple, so there is no need for me to carry me in its devices
Question I have iOS 8.4 and I have a jailbreak so what would you advise me to do now? Should I upgrade to iOS 9 and wait for the jailbreak until it is released for iPod Touch devices, or should I wait and not upgrade it now?
Do not talk to you ruining your device
Of course, I advise you, but you need to be patient, because the jailbreak has nothing to support it because it is just new
We do not advise you to do so
I have two devices
IPad mini XNUMX
IPhone XNUMXS, both are XNUMX giga
Both devices were version XNUMX, including jailbreak, but I rely on the iPad more for the size of the screen and the ease of use, despite the convergence of their specifications and they have the same processor,
I updated the iPad to XNUMX and I regretted a lot because for the first time the device became an iOS system (for me) boring!
In terms of opening programs, the morality has become ugly and not smooth!
In terms of shifting icons from right to left (the summit of stupidity) under the pretext of observing our Arabic language, which starts from right to left
This is the same as one who is raised and raised by using his left (left) hand in everything
Day and night, she says it is forbidden
And you must use your right hand instead !!
It is very difficult and I had to use the device in English
Because I tried to adapt to the new arrangement for more than two weeks, but was not able to
Feel that the device became without touches of the Apple operating system with a distinctive flavor
It became boring
Now, I am completely dependent on iPhone XNUMX, and it has a jailbreak
IPad is just a modem only
For your information, my device has also been updated for sub-update
And then XNUMX
And the new system is still a lot boring and regretful
Thanks for the advice that got me out of my confusion
Thank you very much, and I will act on your advice and will not update the device now
thank you very much
Thank you very much, the most beautiful site I have. Blessed greetings from God. May God grant you success. I will not download it for fear of my phone being damaged by the men. My love, my love, iPhone, Islam
A great move
Good, why does he want to communicate pictures, it is permissible to ebook them
Great, but I have a temperature problem on my iPhone XNUMX when charging or using the d day commondoce game
Then the jailbreak is not stable
I said it before and it was reiterated that the jailbreak is the secret iPhone partner
And Apple basically allows jailbreaking so as not to lose iPhone enthusiasts and leave them the option open
A brother had previously argued with me about this matter and assured me that it was impossible to have a jailbreak for the ninth edition several months ago and he weighed down on me with his words as if he were a scientist and I am ignorant
Praise be to God, in any case, here it has become clear now
Is there an Apple tv3 jailbreak? Please advise me
Finally 😍
I will not jailbreak when the battery is running for two hours, as the iPhone 6 is
Thank you Yvonne Islam for the news
A question baffled me:
Why does the iPad not download to him in the store WhatsApp, except by jailbreak?
In order not to abandon the iMassage program in the iPad from users, and there is an agreement with Facebook with Apple about this, this is what I heard from an Apple employee
good move
Nice the heck
شكرا لكم
I do not like jailbreak
I will never carry it
Is there a version for OS 64?
Thank you Yvonne Islam. I hate jailbreak. I hate blindness
A suggestion from me is possible
Thank you, iPhone Aslam team, for your wonderful effort, success and continued progress to all the brothers who are responsible for this great effort. I do not use other than Apple developers
Thank you, and may God reward you with the best Islam Yvonne, and praise be to God for the blessing of the jailbreak
People consider it a blessing and people consider it a curse
The jailbreak, depending on your usage, walks with you if you use it correctly
My brothers, I made a jailbreak and everything is fine, but click on a fixer to update me from Cydia. I don’t know the reason ?!
The same problem and wait for the young people to advise us
Is there a way to get the irec or shou tv app without jailbreaking the ios 9.0.1 version?
Peace be upon you and give you a thousand well-being
No to jailbreak, yes for iPhone as it is
In a Lebanese proverb he says: One must bear his generosity
I hope I can take pictures of my mobile screen without jailbreaking. I hope I download an app from the App Store only.
I have a question, why am I asked to put the flight mode, access photos, etc.? What is the use of the Pictures folder or deactivating Find my iPhone?
As for the screen capture
Press the lock button to the side, and with it the rotating home button below, at the same time, and loosening it, you will only see the screen
Thank you, I am not a fan of the jailbreak.
And thanks to the iPhone Islam team, may God reward you
Great news, but there must be problems with the jailbreak and most of the tools do not work, so no one rushes to the jailbreak until it is stabilized
Please slow down before jailbreaking for two reasons:
It is known that the first jailbreak released will be full of problems, and almost all Cydia tools will not work until weeks later, and this is what leads us to the second reason
• The ios9.1 version will be released soon, and it will definitely be the best version of ios9 so far, and it will have a jailbreak as soon as it is released, and until that time .. some important tools have been updated for ios9 in general
Anyway better to wait for the tool of the Taig team
They are much better.
I swear by God that they cfu
A simple question: Why is it required to access the images, is it possible that the pictures are uploaded to their servers or is it the loophole used by the Photos application 🌹
The loophole by photos
Hi guys, I have the access point. Its not working, guys
May God bless you and thank you
Thank you, but hesitate
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, and by the way, I am only XNUMX years old and there is no reason to include my name in your articles.
I have an iPod 5 and I downloaded the jailbreak just to download WhatsApp and I don't know how to steal and download paid programs. Thank you ☺️☺️☺️☺️
What is your name? The article goes to everyone by their names according to their name registered in the application
The name is automatic 🗿
Thank you, Abdul-Rahman for the information
Can I do your filing by phone, if only with a calculator, please respond
Calculating my dear brother
Thanks, but I heard the jailbreak bogging the device and problems with system updates and the jailbreak just because of the / Cydia tools:
The jailbreak is very excellent, but I advise you to deal with it with caution. I have 6 years of use of the iPhone and I must use the jailbreak so I advise you to wait because the jailbreak when it is issued there must be problems and most of the tools do not work so wait until it stabilizes and then do the jailbreak
I have been using the jailbreak for five years. I love the iPhone without jailbreaking. I have not found any sabotage in my device. On the contrary, it adds numerous features. If you want to use the jailbreak, you have to download only the tools you need and are compatible with the version of your device. The device will work without problems if you use tools that you need and are compatible with the version of your device.
Cfu, thank you
Thank you, the jailbreak has never been satisfied with it
Frankly, it became a disappointment with iOS 9, which we thought was the most secure system from Apple
The system is completely safe, but experts and senior technologists are working on the jailbreak, no one else can
The last break I tried was on iPhone 3GS in 2009 and my email was stolen, and after that it is impossible to carry it on my device because I am safe, it is practical and only pops on the empty space and I do not advise anyone to carry it
A thousand thanks to you. As for me, I prefer the device without jailbreaking because there are problems with jailbreaking. I wish you success ❤️
Peace, mercy and blessings of God
Greetings to all of you, the distinguished iPhone Islam team
You have become a distinct beacon and an integrated information station
It is objective for all lovers of technology and smart devices, in particular the giant Apple and the world's best revolutionary product, the iPhone in all its versions.
As for the jailbreak, I had modest interests in it when I bought the first iPad device, and I suffered some thing with the device from sudden suspension and shutdown ... etc., and I regretted more after that when I learned that I was breaking security with Apple for my interest in jailbreaking
Since that time I decided not to use the jailbreak on my devices, I am confident and convinced that Apple professionals provide the best ever, and I do not feel a deficiency that is complemented by the jailbreak, today I have an iMac, version of XNUMX, and I have an iPad XNUMX and an iPhone XNUMX Plus, and it is the essence of Apple Watch Sport and all of them. It works harmoniously and completely from my need for jailbreak.
Knowing that I am not absolutely against it, and I apologize for being too long. Greetings to you again 👍
I expect a lot of creative tools to take advantage of the new iPhone features like 3D Touch
Thank you, but if jailbreaking causes problems, there is no need for it. Frankly, you deserve follow-up and support. Thank you.
Thank you, but I don't need a jailbreak
Thank you Yvonne Islam for your wonderful effort, and may God reward you with all the best.
But I want to ask whether the jailbreak affects the efficiency of the device in terms of speed, battery, and the whole device in general?
Thank you Yvonne Islam for your wonderful effort, and may God reward you with all the best.
But I want to ask whether the jailbreak affects the efficiency of the device in terms of speed, battery, and the whole device in general?
Moment ! How did you know that I have a jailbreak ??
Thank you iPhone Islam, I do not need a jailbreak, so when I did not know to restore my iPad 8 devices and update it to IOS XNUMX a year ago, I went to a phone shop and asked them to update my device and do a restore for it too, at that time I forgot to say why it does not prove On two jailbreak devices.
Greetings: Ali Al-Kazim, from Bahrain.
Cfu, God is men
If iOS 20 is released, there will be a jailbreak.
Now, after the jailbreak was released on Apple, he paid a million dollars to the pangu team
This is what they say in the event that the system is hacked
Thank you, Yvonne Islam, always creative 👏
Thank you really hardworking team
Congratulations and happiness, indeed everyone was waiting for her
I have a question. I forgot the password for the Restrictions. What is the solution, guys?
Thousand thousand thank you iPhone Islam
What is the dread of your followers
A question, I hope to ask him, will the jailbreak be Arabic or English, or optional?
Thank you. You are the beacon of technology for the Arabs. Thank you, Yvonne Islam, more knowledge and progress, may God bless you.
Thank you Yvonne Islam for this great news.
In fact, the jailbreak is indispensable for Apple devices.
I don't need to jailbreak my iPad once I use it for work, accounts and shopping
Thank you and may God reward you for your efforts
Thank you very much, and may God give them well
Yesterday, I installed jailbreak and almonds
Thank you very much for the article. Can you give me some of the advantages and benefits of jailbreaking, and thank you very much
I love the jailbreak in order to complete my needs of beautiful tools. Only download songs from the browser and complete the system deficiencies only and release them 8.4
Thank you very much for the article. Can you give me some of the advantages and benefits of jailbreaking, and thank you very much
Thanks, but does it work on iOS XNUMX?
The jailbreak is very unsuccessful, and I do not recommend downloading it
Thanks for the advice
Thanks 👍
As fast as de
Jailbreaking is done pending important tools update
Thank you, but the best version is the eighth, and my father, I know if it was downloaded by jailbreak because I found it 8.4.1
Unfortunately, this version does not have a jailbreak, the latest version of it has a jailbreak 8.4.0
Thank you for your great effort in order to present everything new. Really, you deserve to be watched and supported.
Firstly, thank you, as I am a jailbreak fan, and I have not yet reached XNUMX, waiting for the jailbreak
Second: It is interesting to install the tool in the Chinese language, which forces us to feel as if we were in the dark and you and your luck floundering in a caution or stumbling, so you explain it as if you were lighting the road with a candle
Third: Thanks go to the iPhone Islam team, may God reward you
Thank you for your great ignorance in order to present everything new. Really, you deserve to be watched and supported.
Thank you, but I prefer the device without the jailbreak, because after installing the jailbreak, the device will start to have strange and strange things
If you do the jailbreak for Mobily, you can delete it and return the phone as it was or not
Please reply and thank you
No, my brother, it will not happen
Ella, in case you are working on software for your mobile phone, so that the jailbreak on your iPhone is removed
Of course, you can return the iPhone as it was by making a restore for the device. Thank you
Uh, it becomes possible to use it to restore and go to the jailbreak
It is possible by making a restore for the device
Very excellent, now I can upgrade to iOS 9 after the release of the jailbreak
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
It is better to wait until technicians try it, and they will not be late
Thanks 👏👏👏
Where is the talk that Apple said about jailbreakers, they will not be able to release jailbreakers with iOS9?
Or was it just words above the green?
Apple has agreed with the jailbreak developers in order not to expose them
Good words, I mean, two months later, for ios9, it came to jailbreak 😯😮😳😳
thank you
Thanks for all you do, but I have a question.
Important: If I have an iCloud account, I cannot log out of the account because I forgot the password. Can I jailbreak without logging out of the iCloud account?
My brother, I think you can do a jailbreak, but after that, you can only unlock your device with the password for the iCloud
Sorry, you can't
I do not like to deal with a jailbreak, as I prefer a device other than a jailbreak. Thank you, may God reward you.
The jailbreak has been successfully completed without problems, but there are a lot of tools that do not work and the drivers need to be updated
When clicking on the source or installer, it will exit from Cydia suddenly
It still takes several days to stabilize the bad
Overall the experience is successful
Can someone help me, I am not new to IOS, and I don’t know what is with us
Jailbreak, in short, to jailbreak iOS so that you can download programs from outside the official Apple store. Which in turn opens up the possibility to download programs that deal with the system, such as changing themes and other programs. The bad aspect of jailbreaking is your ability to download cracked programs, that is, for free without paying the amount to their owners, which is considered forbidden ... and the second risk is that you download programs containing viruses or code to spy on you .. Therefore, jailbreak is not recommended unless you are well aware of the jailbreak facilities and are sure of the programs and their owners ...
With Regards…
Performance that enables you to use all the features locked to Apple
It is a break of Apple's restrictions in the system, meaning, for example, the Control Center, you can add more options to it, you can download tools to add wallpapers.
I do not have a Windows computer, how. Carry it
Wait for it to be released for non-Windows
In any electronics store
Wait for it to be present on the Mac
Go to any phone and technology store and they will download it for you
As usual, Mac owners are always persecuted :(
Thanks for your sweet and quick news
I liked to note that the tool was given to me in English
This good news deliver
I have a problem with names always being lost after the update and another after syncing songs from iTunes to the device. I open the device and I don't find the downloaded songs at all or any other songs and it says don't miss a beat find your favorite in I Tunes, then come back and enjoy them. Please respond quickly. Thank you.
Okay, tweaks for ios9, iPhone 6s Plus
Ccsetting is useful for you
I updated my iOS 5 9s. Honestly, there are no problems and the system is smooth and sweet except that the Arabic language has become right to the left and I am using the English language and the situation is perfect
Wonderful effort, Yvonne Islam, bless your efforts
This is the latest update and it is done from right to left
My sisters Yvonne Islam
Thanks for the news and the way to do the jailbreak
I love you in God
I have iTunes that doesn't work
Windows Error 127 shows me what to do to do again
Proven the latest version of Leitose and solve the problem
Update iTunes to the iron version and it will work, God willing
Oh, hahaha, from the first wait!
I did not try jailbreak and I do not care about it in the first place. I love the iPhone the way it is
Always waiting, thank you so much, and I advise whoever does the jailbreak from ios9.0.2 does not make an update unless he is sure that the jailbreak is available for the new update
Are the Cydia tools running on iOS 8.4.1 after this jailbreak?
Not all tools work, some even update tools in days
The tool has been downloaded since the launch of the jailbreak and it has been completed, praise be to God, and the tool I have was in English, and there is no Chinese language or an option to download the pp store
Wesh, how the jailbreak gave us the advantages
Control all the features of the iPhone by changing its properties
Downloading WhatsApp on iPad is one of the benefits of the jailbreak and one of the most important things
Thank you, Yvonne Islam
May God make you happy. This news made me very happy. Thank you, iPhone Islam 😍
Does the jailbreak work on iOS version 8..4.1?
In my opinion, it is not necessary because it chokes the device and sometimes sits on the apple
So, in the jailbreak of the new system, what it means is the device is not safe now: Apple always works to prevent the jailbreak, but this is something difficult for Apple to prevent from happening, I think.
In general, I do not need it.
I recommend that you be patient, as the first release of the Jabriya tool has many problems
Does the jailbreak work on iOS 8.4.1?
Unfortunately no 😞
Year c. 1437 Jailbreak 9
Peace be upon you, with regard to the jailbreak. Is there a tool to change? Open the device instead of from right to left
If there is, I will do a jailbreak 😃
The jailbreak does not need anything other than the device's language, only if it is in Arabic, converting it to English
This is B for iOS9
Sure, but you can update your device to IOS9 and put the device in Arabic
Good for jailbreak 8.4.1 When will it be issued Please reply!
Existing before this release
I don't think an iOS 9 event will come out better for you
The release of the jailbreak for ios 8.4.1 is almost impossible at the moment. If your device accepts the upgrade to ios 9, it is better for you to take the opportunity because Apple will release new versions of the system and the release of the jailbreak may be delayed.
where is he
I looked for it, but it didn't come out yet !?
May God bless you, Yvonne, Islam ... the one who started to suffocate without a generation of break
I love you iPhone Islam I love you I love you
Good science.
Hi..I'm updating my phone to iOS 9. But when you synchronize it with the computer, it does not take a backup copy of the device's applications. Why ?! Thank you
You may need to confirm your email address or to backup applications only
May God bless you, thank you, my love
I don't care about jailbreaking, nor do I like things that violate Apple's rules
When you say that Jailbreak is against the law, it is as if you are saying that iPhone Islam is breaking the law because they explain how to apply the Jailbreak with each issue ..
They made it clear several times that Jailbreak is not breaking the law, or else Apple would have fought it.
Some time you have to break the rules
I mean, sometimes laws have to be broken
Thank you Yvonne Islam for this news and I ask God to bless you (but I do not need a jailbreak so that it harms the device) and I thank you for mentioning my name in your article. Thank you, the most beautiful application in the world. I wish you good luck and success on everything.
(Thank you Yvonne Islam)
Jailbreaking worked an hour ago on the iPad 😂😏
Can you tell us how to benefit from this program
Your update was from Wi-Fi?
Ok, why is my name? I am complaining !?
For each user their name appears only for him. And it is not for everyone. This is a wonderful gesture from Yvonne Islam.
Oh darling, this code is written in the article showing the name of any person reading the article because he is logged in to iPhone Islam, and if you make a logout, your name will be changed to my dear visitor :)
Thanks for the information, but I have a question: does it harm the device, knowing that I am using it. My intention is to harm the hardware components
After the release of iOS 9, jailbreak became useless
Yvonne without jailbreak
Uniforms of non-citizen passport **
Thank you Yvonne Aslam
I think this is actually the fastest version of the glyric version
Thank God, thank you iPhone Islam for the sweet news