Most of us, though not all of us, at least once encountered an error message while performing Restore and downloading a new copy of the system to our computer via iTunes. The message is often vague and incomprehensible, such as “Error 3014 - Error 3014”. What does this error mean? what should I do? In this article, we will explain to you the error messages that appear in iTunes.

According to Apple, there are more than 60 error messages that may appear to the user on iTunes, and in order to make it easier for the user, Apple has allocated a page on its official website to explain the error messages and what to do with it. The great thing about this Apple page is that it is updated periodically and it was last updated on Last Wednesday, May 18. So every iOS user must keep a link to this error page -this link-.

And because there are more than 60 messages, it is impossible for us here to explain them all. If you encounter any problem, go to the Apple website and you will find a list of messages as follows:

Choose the one that faces you and you will find Apple explaining to you the method, and if you do not know English, you can use the various translation sites. In the following lines we will explain some of the most famous messages.

Problem connecting to Apple servers

If you see a message from the one in the picture above, this means that there is a problem connecting to the Apple servers. This problem may occur for several reasons, the most important of which are:


Too much pressure on Apple's servers = the solution is to wait a little while.


Your Internet problem = Try Hotspot - a personal hotspot - if your computer has Wi-Fi, or start a restart or anything that solves the internet problem.


-Firewall- protection programs. You may carry programs to protect against viruses and hacking, and for one reason or another it is believed that the iTunes connection to the Apple servers is an attempt to prevent it, so the solution is to stop the program until the update is finished.

Security error messages

If you see an error 9, 2, 4, 6, or 1611, these are security error messages. This message means that Apple's servers are concerned about security concerns about your device, and this may stem from several things, the most important of which are:


ITunes: Using an old iTunes version, if you notice, Apple releases an iTunes update in conjunction with the iOS update. This is for security reasons, as the iTunes update supports the new version of the system. Yes, you can continue to use the older iTunes, but after a while, you will feel that this old iTunes is invalid. Always update iTunes to the latest version.


TimeIf the time on your device is not correct, Apple's servers will not work. If you mess with your phone's time, you may be able to download the programs and the FaceTime and iMassage services will stop. The same is true for the computer. If the time is incorrect, the servers may feel a security concern and prevent the update.

USB problems

If you see any of the previous messages, as well as the numbers 4005, 4013 and 4014, then this means that there is a problem with the cable used. The solution is to try the original cable, whether it came with the device or MFi cables, or try another USB port, as this connection problem may not be from the cable, but from the computer or your USB port.

Hardware error messages

The previous numbers are messages. It is a problem that Apple categorizes as "hardware problems" and this problem is general, meaning an update may be due to old iTunes, or the presence of protection software, or even USB problems. The solution to these messages is to try all the previous solutions.

Error number 1015

This message appears if your device has a jailbreak. Or, try to upgrade to an older version of iOS. The second solution is to upgrade to the latest version of iOS. The first solution is to insert your device into the DFU and then create a restore.

last word

We recommend strongly as we mentioned save Apple website link The former is for two reasons:


The Apple website is updated periodically, that is, if an error message appears in the future, you will find its solution in the Apple website and not this article.


That all the solutions mentioned are a very short summary, the Apple website explains the problem and why it occurs, then suggests a solution with steps and some of it tells you if your Windows device did such-and-such and on the Mac, do such-and-such.

Have you encountered an error message while running a restore for your device?

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