We have been working for more than 12 years to help our Arabic-speaking brothers around the world to enjoy the technology, and we have specialized in Apple devices, and we have made every effort to help from the Arabization of the iPhone to many applications, and about 5000 thousand articles, an effort for which we do not ask for thanks or Praise, simply because we feel that this is the duty, everyone in his place offers the best that he can offer, and in the end we ask God to benefit us.

Today is not like yesterday, yesterday there were few users of Apple devices, and information in Arabic is scarce, but today there are hundreds of celebrities and influencers, who took advantage of social platforms to communicate information to everyone, yes we did not do this, and the reason is that we already find a good number of clear efforts It does not need more, and all the celebrities and influencers are our brothers. IPhone Islam is like a father to them. Some of them used to follow us when he was ten years old and now, God willing, he has become a smart young man with millions of followers on social media.

In memory of the distinguished efforts our friend made Mohammed Hadidi By making a distinguished video about updating the iPhone Islam application, and we would like to share it with you.

All thanks to Brother Muhammad Haddadi for this great video, and tell us in the comments what is the best tool for you in the iPhone Islam application

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