Whether it's in a letter, a document, a presentation, a math problem, or a recipe for something, at some point you may need to write decimals. Isn't it better to send your wife a letter writing that we need ½ kg of potatoes, instead of half a kilo of potatoes, don't the fractions look more professional and easier to read directly in this way, learn how to make the fractions look more professional and easier to read directly through your keyboard.

There is no way in the iOS keyboard to write fractions 1/2, 1/4, 3/4 or any fraction except by using the number then a slash and then the other number, and the receiver has to understand what it means, or you have to write it with letters, half, quarter, price tag, and so on. It is supposed to write like this ½ or ¼ or ¾ at least. You may have to copy these fractions from the Internet every time in order to write them correctly.

The cool thing is that there's been some kind of keyboard shortcut available on the iPhone for a long time, which is text replacement. Setting it up takes a bit of work, but once done, at any time you can write the fraction in the normal way like 1/2, and it will automatically replace it with a proper fraction. And if you don't like text replacement, there is another way.

Create fractions with keyboard shortcuts

Go to Settings - General - Keyboard - then Text Replacement.

Click the plus sign (+) to create a new shortcut.

In the Phrase text field, enter the fraction that you would type in a regular way such as 1/2.

In the Abbreviation field, type the fraction correctly. Click "Save" when finished.

Repeat these steps for any other fractions you want them to appear correctly.

Then whenever you type the fraction in the normal way and press the spacebar, it will directly overwrite it with the fraction stored in the keyboard shortcuts.

Here are the most common fractions that you can use to replace text.


And if you don't want to use a keyboard shortcut, you can use keyboard apps that support decimals, and this will save you effort and time.

Or you can also use the chameleon keyboard app, as you know the chameleon keyboard app allows you to make your own keyboard, and I made a special keyboard for fractions, You can download it here Then open it via the chameleon app.

Learn more about chameleon keyboard app in this article

chameleon keyboard keyboard
Do you use fractions in your writing? And how did you write it? Tell us in the comments.


ios. gadgethacks

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