We all know how slow and lazy Cydia can be, especially when booting and when re-updating, downloading data, and installing programs. So, our friend Jay Freeman finally alerted us to this long-standing problem since the advent of Cydia in 2008. - Program installation speed - lack of crashes and error correction - Support for the Landscape feature of the iPad.

The new Cydia has version V1.0.3366-1 and is compatible with the 4.1 update and above, and there are trials and attempts to make it compatible with previous versions.
New Cydia has arrived with the program Redsn0w 0.9.6beta5 And above, which does a jailbreak of the latest update 4.2.1, but that jailbreak is not stable yet, as it restricts your device in the event of a restart or the battery runs out, and you need to jailbreak it again to get out of that mode.

As we said before, we do not recommend upgrading to version 4.2.1 if you want to keep the jailbreak until a stable, unrestricted version is released.

Personally, I installed the new Cydia on my iPhone 4 version 4.1 and the installation succeeded and no problems occurred. Indeed, after the experiment, I noticed a wide difference between it and the old one, as its speed was very high, especially in booting, installing programs, re-updating and fetching data.

If you want to try the new Cydia and your device contains the 4.1 update and a jailbreak is already in place, you can install it using a program. Redsn0w 0.9.6beta6 You will not lose any of the contents of your device.

The method is easy and simple:
* Download the appropriate framewire 4.1 to your computer Here

* Download Redsn0w 0.9.6beta6 from Here is Windows or Here for Mac
* Connect the iPhone device to the computer, then run the Redsnow program

* Locate the 4.1 file previously installed on the computer from the Browse command

* Here is the location of the framewire 4.1, or depending on where you put it, choose Open

* Choose from the list Install Cydia only, then Next

* Turn off the iPhone device, then select Next

* Follow the instructions until the installation of Cydia is finished, after which the iPhone device will restart and thus the new Cydia has been installed and congratulations J

Note : As is evident from the title, the main goal of this article is to introduce the new Cydia application and mention its most important features, and the goal is not an expanded explanation of the jailbreak method and entering into its mazes, there are upcoming articles on the Jelberk update 4.2.1 if it is fully and stable.

Learn the difference between jailbreaking, unlocking, and cracking

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