IPhone Islam continues to present surprises and special offers to its visitors, as we presented Friday before last Sygic navigation application The price of which exceeds $ 70 and, thanks to God, we were able to persuade the company to reduce the price to only $ 9.99, which is a very low price for the prices of these applications due to the high cost of maps. During this week, we negotiated with international companies to offer special offers for Middle Eastern users and we are happy to present the Rebtel application, which is specialized in international communications, and with a gift 50 international minutes That may increase to $ 50 if you use your phone to conduct international talks for the same period.

Most of us have friends abroad who call them, but international calling is still a high cost, reaching half a dollar and sometimes a full dollar per minute, which makes our calls with our loved ones or even business calls short and few, so we sought during the Eid al-Fitr period to negotiate with an international telecommunications company to provide Application and give a gift 50 minutes free For those who download the application and register during this special offer, which will enable you to communicate with your friends around the world for free.

Many of us use applications such as Skype or Viber to contact those outside the country for free, but the disadvantage of this method is that the recipient must have internet on his phone or sit locked up in front of a computer screen to call you, or you have to pay money to call them on their phones, meaning that either he is available Internet to the recipient or pay money to call, but we have solved the two problems, as by means of the RebTel application with an iPhone Islam gift, you will be able to contact your friends, regardless of their device, without forcing them to download any application or provide the Internet because it will receive a phone call and not an Internet connection, which is suitable for any A phone even if it is "Abu Kashaf", via the Rebtel app.

Rebtel: International Calling

When you download the application and open it for the first time, you will be asked to register with your phone number in the traditional way that we use in WhatsApp, Viber and other applications by entering your phone number, then you will receive a message with a code number that you enter into the application and then the application opens and automatically (after your question) searches In your friends list to provide saving suggestions for you, the phrase “Cheap” appears in front of the names of your friends that you can call at a low price and also the phrase “Free” in front of your friends who own the same application to know that this person can contact him for free as in the following picture:

Click on your friend's number and talk to him for free, whether you are connected to the Internet via Wi-Fi or 3G phone network, and in the event that the call is important and you fear that it will be interrupted, but you will leave the area where the Internet is available, you can press the KeepTalking button and it automatically transfers the connection to the phone network quickly. And without losing the call.

You can use the application to call your friends who own the same application for free, or make low-rate calls, as before calling your friend's numbers, the cost of each number appears, so you do not need to remember which number of your friend is more economical if you call him?

You can send short messages to your friends around the world (if the balance is available) and because the application uses Wi-Fi or 3G phone network to communicate and it is considered an advantage, but it may cause problems for some who have small internet packages and make voice calls through them that will cause the package to expire so you can From the settings, you can close the ability to call from the telephone or XNUMXG internet, or even close the connection via the traditional local connection, which enables you to control your phone bill.

The app generally offers discounted rates for international calls, but whoever downloads it today will get 50 minutes free And without any cost, because the application is free, that is, you will download a free application.

Tell all your friends, this offer is of limited duration and you will not lose anything, the application is free, and we do not want anyone to tell us that he missed the opportunity to get 50 minutes of free international calling

Rebtel: International Calling
Did you download the app and get the free minutes? What do you think about this offer from iPhone Islam?
Note: The free minutes are only offered to those residing in the Middle East and Maghreb countries
Note: If you do not get 50 minutes or something happens with you that does not satisfy you with the application, contact customer service through the application itself in the accounts section and tell them about your problem

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