There is no doubt that smartphones today are an integral part of our lives, but rather the matter has gone beyond the defense of our phones and their manufacturers and fanaticism against any other competitor. None of us accepts insulting his phone, let alone insulting his manufacturer. We find ourselves feeling proud and happy when we see a review of the phone we carry and list its features, and vice versa, we feel frustrated when listing its defects. And given that phones today are almost the same, we find that the fanatic of Android phones because of a feature in it that is not present in iOS is the undisputed best, and vice versa. Knowing that all these companies steal ideas from each other, how can this be done?
As is known to all and according to the law, the copyright of an idea registered with another company cannot be stolen. But what happened was that some companies circumvented and circumvented that idea and adapted it in their favor, and this is what happened in 1988 when Apple filed a lawsuit against Microsoft accusing it of copying the Mac operating system interface, mouse, windows, menus, and so on. And Apple lost that case to Microsoft. Now getting around those ideas is part of the business for the biggest Silicon Valley companies. So we see Google being stolen, Samsung being stolen, Microsoft being stolen, Facebook being stolen, Amazon being stolen, and also Apple being stolen!! We find a company that presents something new and revolutionary, then it doesn't take a month or two for the rest of the companies to imitate it.
In fact, studying this matter and coming up with a clear conclusion that points the finger at the most imitating companies and stealing ideas is very difficult. But a possible result can be reached by diving into some of the main features that make a phone a smart phone, and who started those features and who copied them?
A list of major features standard on all smartphones today has been prepared such as auto rotation, keyboard suggestions, slow motion video, voice assistant, camera and imaging features, and many more. Then knowing the first appearance of that feature and to whom it was first, then knowing who copied or stolen it and made modifications to it.
The comparison is restricted to only three companies because they are the big boys on the scene now. Some of the advantages may have appeared through other small companies, but most of the thefts were carried out through those companies. A comparison between the iOS and Android system and the features of Apple and Samsung devices.
Thefts do not happen for all features. For example, no one has yet copied the idea of a XNUMXD touch screen from Apple (rather similar tricks were introduced, but not with strong pressure), or the emergency alarm siren. Likewise, Android offers desktop widgets and multiple user accounts on the phone. Over the years, Samsung has provided dozens of features that no one has yet imitated, such as automatic scrolling by simply tilting the head. We are talking about the world-famous features of almost all phones.
Also features that existed before the smartphone era, such as downloadable ring tones for the phone, are not included. This was not the idea of any of the three companies we have.
There are features that are frequently controversial in terms of the preference of a company in providing it, such as face print in Apple devices and Samsung devices. The fact is that Apple has much better, and no two differ from that, in terms of having a depth camera and ultra-high-resolution sensors for mapping the face, they are not like the ones that can fool it with an image. Here is a question: Should the company obtain the preference because it has precedence and a point is given to it and to its competitor theft? Like a face print and an on-screen keyboard? Of course not, we can calculate the priority for her, but not the preference, unless you have a different opinion.
Operating system features
Apple introduced the touch phone as we know it now. Since the first iPhone, it added multi-touch, an on-screen keyboard, automatic rotation, design applications on the home page, and much more. It is not surprising that Apple won these advantages, as it presented 13 new features compared to ten features for Android and only one for Samsung. Note the following image, which shows when companies added the feature:
the screen
Its size, color, accuracy. Samsung has spent years introducing a larger screen, scaling from 4 "to 5" and then to 6 ". Unlike Apple, where Steve Jobs preferred the small screen that could be used with one hand. In the end, however, Apple yielded to the masses ’demand, which is the increase in screen size. Samsung also advanced in OLED screens, then Apple eventually adopted the idea of these screens and presented them in the iPhone X. And everything related to the screen and the amendment to it, Apple barely advanced and the result was 6 for Apple and 4 for Samsung. Note the following figure:
Text and voice
Smartphones do not contain physical "physical" panels. So how do you enter text quickly and accurately? Companies have put forward one feature after another to develop this technology. Where Apple introduced the assistant "Siri", and Google provided another assistant of its own. As well as the introduction of the feature of cut, copy and paste, and emoji, or even add third-party keyboards. All these features and more. We find Google offers its Android 6 system against 5 from Apple. See the following figure:
When phones were introduced with cameras that had neither flash nor front camera, the cameras were imprecise and we could not record video. Adding flash and video shooting, adding the front camera, shooting in 1080 quality, panoramic photography, slow-motion photography, 4K imaging, and portrait photos, all this and more. We find Apple has scored 6 points against 6 points also from Android, then 5 points from Samsung. See the following figure:
Dial up and send messages
As for the phone call and adding new ideas to it, it came somewhat late and poor in the features provided by the three companies. We find that the Android system won 3 points, compared to 3 also from Apple.
Among those features: stereo speaker input, GPS chipset, wireless charging, water resistance, NFC chip, and more. We find that Apple scored 2 for 2 for Android and 1 for Samsung.
The Internet in smartphones today is the bottom line. Special Internet features have been added that we never dreamed of such as App Store, AutoFill for Passwords, Personal Hotspot, Privacy, Reading Mode, Swipe to Delete, Archive or Hide for Email and much more. We find the result 4 for Apple versus 3 for Android.
Protection and safety
And by that, we mean the actual protection of the phone and its data. The iOS system makes it impossible to obtain any data or content from the stolen phone (impossible here we mean the common thief), of course if it has a fingerprint or a password, and we all know that very well. Among the features that we mean here is the feature of finding my phone, closing the stolen phone and wiping the data on it, the fingerprint reader, the face print. Apple advanced three points against one point for Samsung, which is the facial recognition feature, but at the same time there is an explanation that it was simple and easy to deceive.
Wireless connection
Little by little, the wires fade. For example, displaying video from the phone on a TV or computer screen, listening through headphones without wires, as well as printing without wires, sending files between devices, payment services. We find Apple is three points ahead of one point for Android.
According to the data provided, we find that Apple outperforms its competitors by 44 points compared to Android 31 and Samsung 12 points. You can see the full score along with the source of each piece of information from this Link.
The truth is that Samsung and Android are only one system, as Samsung is based on Android, so we do not distinguish between them as an innovator and a follower. If you calculate the points of the affiliate company that used the feature after another company, you will find Apple at the top of the list and that it is the company that steals more ideas than others. Consequently, all companies are stolen from each other, so there is no need for fanaticism and controversy, so you have to pay attention to something else from important life matters. If a new innovation takes place, then little will be in your hands, regardless of the type of phone you use. You benefit from this conflict, and blame the imitator.
I went and returned, and you are still in a clear error 😂😂😂😂😂
A clear delusion !!! i ask for forgiveness from the mighty Allah
Theft is not just an improvement.
For example:
The first company to manufacture a four-wheeled car, so it is forbidden for companies to use it in that ?? We would have seen all the cars in the world from only one company so that they prevented monopoly
If they prevented imitation, the monopoly would increase and development in the world would decrease.
Companies have the right to imitate, but by logic, not to make the same phone shape, for example
The first fingerprint or waterproof device that can be emulated by companies. I don't see anything wrong with that because it is limited to only one device.
in your article
None of us would accept insulting our phone let alone insulting its manufacturer
I do not agree with you
I don't care about any insult to my phone if it meets my need
I also don't care about any insult to the manufacturer
It is neither mine nor permissible for my parents 😝😂
I do not care who imitates the other ... What I care about is the device that I will pay for my money to have the specifications and features that I want
He was astonished at some criticizing the post
What are they talking about
For the face of the numbers, how many megapixels, Haha
or about ram
Or about the size of the screen
These things expired ten years ago
Think a great post technically and useful for some people's culture
And she is very tired.
You can never convince them.
For example, wireless charging tells you.
Where is the wireless in it? !!!
wire is better..
Android devices do not risk radical innovations, for example, such as completely removing the home button.
All this is not beneficial to the user. I think all that matters to him is the phone and his offers for which he pays the money
And all of this is in the interest of the user, and this is what is required
Always biased toward Apple, as usual.
As for the camera flash, we saw it with Nokia phones, the glory days of the N73 N70 N95 before Apple appeared and what it presented ..
As for the third company that you mentioned, Android is not a company but a system ..
Apple itself stole the swipe gestures from BlackBerry phones and put them for the iPhone X ..
Previous stubbornness and the use of a hand alone is very funny, hahahaha
I am surprised by you, brother, to this degree. You do not have a job other than the iPhone of Islam, and their articles are nothing but sedition, whatever the type of mobile and whatever the company. Personally, I care about the device that serves me and I find in it everything I need and trust in it, regardless of whether it was Samsung or iPhone. Two years ago, the Android system was a failure, but now the system It was developed and there is no difference between it and Apple. On the contrary, it has more advantages. For some applications, the Samsung is faster than the iPhone, such as Google applications and YouTube exclusively. Even if your internet is weak, you open the video and watch, and the iPhone is still spinning on the network. Just a personal opinion and sorry for the delay.
(Mwaraha is not sedition) !!!
Discord once alone !!!! 😂
You suffocated the site and uprooted it with your comments, while you were mocking those who had previously stolen it, as if someone beat your children, or as if the company was your ancestors’ company and was stolen from your property. Originally, in this article, all the followers who were arguing with each other regarding this topic disappeared!
Good luck brother 😌🌹
It is until you are talking about sedition, so we were from sedition and conspiracies, synchronized with a news application, and this is the perfect speech. Buy the device I need, it is not correct. Phones today settle everything
What is the problem, my dear brother, and where is the strife in that? The Android system was failing and correct. It became stronger and more beautiful after improvements were added similar to what was in the iOS system. This is not a transfer of ideas. OPPO phone, for example, you feel that you are using iOS, not Android.
Hello to the oppo device that steals what the user wants 😬 The companies that innovate are known as Apple, Samsung, and a little bit LG, Huawei and Sony, while the rest are stolen Hahaha and move away from slogans and fanaticism and the user is convinced that he is a consumer who buys what meets his needs and desires away from the logo
Peace be upon you,,,
The worst theft that Apple has ever done in its life is the theft of the Arabic calligraphy used in old Samsung devices (Galaxy 2 and Galaxy 3).
Indeed, it is considered a reverse crime and not expulsion
An article more than wonderful, as we have returned, Professor Mahmoud ..
Easy information .. objective .. simple .. and answers the bottom line that many overlook.
In a previous comment I had previously described this theft as “white theft” ... (as it is unlike the white lie that harms it like the black lie) ..
It does not harm the user, but rather benefits him, and opens the way for competition between the giants of technology ... to provide the best and the best ..
As in every battle or conflict, each party seeks to hold out for as long as possible without yielding to the enemy. This justifies Apple waiting years before implementing features that have achieved great success with its competitor (such as the larger screen and OLED screens). It also justifies Samsung and Google seizing Apple’s advantage to achieve wider gains and spread.. and better features.
The funny and sad thing about our society is that we defend this company and that company to the death, and we slander each other, and we quarrel, etc.
But in the end, despite the competition ... all of these companies. They benefit from each other ... and they are relatively friendly with each other ... so you see that half of the iPhone production depends on the basic components and semiconductors manufactured by Samsung (despite Apple's attempt to reduce its dependence on Samsung and switch to other companies) ..
“You also see that the origin of the idea of the touch-screen smartphone and the current concept of the phone is from Apple .. Without it, you would find Samsung currently still a company of washing machines, TVs and electrical products ..” 😂😂🙈
Thank you Mr. Mahmoud ..
Greetings to all
Before some seized the opportunity and shot at what you wrote (especially the bomb group, drumming and cheeky) ... the last part of the comment (although it is partially correct 😊), but I wrote it only as a joke and to calm the atmosphere .. Do not be angry with the response and attack 😃
good greeting
I agree with you, brother
May God reward you, Professor Ismail
We also benefit from your comments and opinions. God bless you
From you we benefit 🙏🌹
My teacher, Ismail.
Your comment is full of drumming and all of it is empty talk
I forgot that Apple stole FaceTime from an Italian company that made pastries in the 1930s 😡 Okay, I'm moving to Android. Goodbye failed Apple. I'm leaving and let the entire planet burn.
(What do you think, professor? Can I join the group party? 😎)
The sane person does not care about the thief, what matters to the rational is that the luxuries are present in one institution under one administration, and your words are about thefts
The enmities between technical companies have increased, and this is a shame for you, because they are supposed to be a door for good for societies and not a door for evil, so do not teach people how to hate people and distinguish one from another, because it is assumed that the integrated and human rights results are what are required of societies regardless of The innovator,
If the devices were coming from the factories of the United Nations system through the innovations of individuals, companies and institutions from all countries of the world, you would not say that it was stolen.
With your intrusive articles, rather, you should strive to find luxuries in one place, and the sane person knows that Apple has the right to distinguish its products, regardless of their name or incomplete slogan.
For a while, I felt Socrates came back and wrote a comment.
My dear brother, most of what was written in the article is an approach to competition between companies ... and how they can benefit from each other ..
It is not an explanation of an armed robbery on a central bank .. nor a nightly landing on a jewelry store ..
good greeting
My dear brother Muhammad, review the old comments and you will find that some of them were talking about precedence and thefts between companies, etc. There are discussions, some of which were sharp among the members in this matter, and there are comments asking iPhone Islam to say or to admit that this feature in Apple was from Google or from Samsung, and a good gesture from iPhone Islam that they published an article related to the discussion and interest of these members.
It is true that I do not care about theft, and it seems that you do not care either, but there are other members of us who are interested in it
In addition to the fact that for me the article is considered a reference, and it also helped me clarify many features that I thought related to a company other than the company that created it or used it before everyone else, etc.
Good luck, my dear brother
This is the eye of intolerance, and sowing the seed of discord and discord. This article was mentioned by Yahoo. It aims basically to as we mentioned that it is similar. When we list a feature in an article, you find someone coming out and saying this existed before, you imitators, you drummers. It is because Apple made it an advantage and others remain normal and so on. Then it's news and analysis, you won't lose anything if you teach it.
Peace be upon you, is possible in the article Seven best apps for downloading videos and songs from YouTube
We have to file a lawsuit against Islam's iPhone because it stole the idea of responding to comments from Facebook !!!
Yes Yes:
I mean to piss you reader,
Until I bring to your attention that there is no thief or stolen.
All proprietary technology innovations.
As for those who really care about that
They are the companies that seek profits.
Every company wants to pray as the owner of this feature in order to seize the profits.
You hit me with the first line I thought that there was a problem 😂👌🏻
Harlem in order
XNUMX. Samsung + Apple
XNUMX. Google
I see them all stole our money
Yesterday, I felt the same way when I bought the iPhone XNUMX 😂😂
Sweet honesty
The same feeling and God with X
Congratulations for the new iPhone and, God willing, it will not be stolen like its old brother
God bless you .. Do not contract with a protection company to secure guards for him XNUMX/XNUMX 😂😂
I thank the author of the topic for his submission
Since the thing with the thing mentioned
All companies are Apple Samsung, Android system and iOS system
Nokia stole Finnish ideas
It is the leading company in the world of phones, and then the rest of the companies came, developed and excelled after the fall of Nokia
God reward you, my dear brother
Great and clear comparisons👏🏻👏🏻
Thank you, brother Mahmoud Sharaf
(What do you think about stealing ideas?)
The truth is that I am astonished by the users who are interested in the matter of those who previously stole !! :)
As if the robbery took place from him or he lost money!
I also marveled at those who make fun of a company only because it was “stolen” or “copied” or “whatever the name of the act” from his favorite company only because his company was the first !!
This is a technique. And technology must spread and evolve. Google may invent a wonderful technology, and the future of its development and improvement at the hands of Apple and Samsung may take this technology to a great stage in which Google and Apple both dazzle ... and so on ..
I do not care who has priority or who stole first, what interests me is my interest as a user of this technology regardless of which company I belong to.
I care to find the features that satisfy me and that serve me when I want to move to a new phone, whether from Samsung or iPhone. I care to see the system fully serves me, whether I use Android or iOS
Let's be frank.. We are employees and our interest is concerned with us.. Let the companies strike at each other, so that some of them become suing some of them stealing each other. The most important thing is our interest continues :) And the simplest proof is that loyalty to your favorite company is completely non-existent, if that company no longer serves you well or started You complain about it or if you find that another company serves you more and meets your interests better, even if the difference is 1%!.
(Is it worth the argument and fanaticism?)
No of course :)
I think that the first debate is in the discussion of "Why did our company not develop or adopt the wonderful technology found in this other such company?"
And not “why did our company steal it ?? And when that company stole us !! ”
Imagine being deprived of great privileges only because Apple rides its head and refuses to imitate Samsung or Android, or because of what is said about it "imitation, thief, etc." !!! I will draw on it immediately
Of course, I respect and understand that any company has the right to be angry and to demand its right when another company tries to steal it. I understand that companies are getting tired and pay a lot to develop their technology, and that their simplest right is not to steal their innovations ..
But in the end, the truth is that it does not matter to me as a user .. What is important is my interest and where I can find the capabilities and advantages that serve me, and that my phone does not lag behind other competing phones
Thank you again, brother Mahmoud Sharaf
God reward you
Nice comment and coolest analysis
Thank you for your kind admiration
Sorry, dear brother
Jamil sister Nour's analysis.
Emphasizing that you said that technology must be spread and developed ..
Even patents registered by companies serve them for ten years at most in most international laws ... in order to prevent the absolute monopoly of any technology from any party.
(Some may think that 10 years is a long time.. but we are talking about a technology that can live for years before it is retired.. not a product that becomes obsolete the following year)
good greeting
It is correct to add a task from you. Thank you, brother Ismail
Very cool comment
About myself, I wish I could make use of my time
I wish I could benefit from a device that I spent hundreds of dollars on and became a prisoner and a prisoner.
I wish I could evolve beyond thinking about the phone to thinking about what the phone brings to me .. Technology creates special conditions for me. If I make her a "servant", not a servant, I return for her and give up my morals for her.
I wish I could hang on to what would benefit myself and the people and I would keep the phrase “empty speech” to myself or repeat it in my secret with the morning and evening remembrances
Thank you, Zamen Team, very great article