Some of you are aware of that Camel It has been trying for years to compete with Google in the field of search engines, but it has not been able to do so until now, but according to some documents that were revealed during a lawsuit related to monopoly against Alphabet, Apple almost started a fierce war with Google in the field of search engines during the year 2018, but it... Missed opportunity.

Apple and Microsoft

Google revealed some documents that come as part of a lawsuit filed by the US Department of Justice against it, regarding the monopoly of the web search industry, and it was stated in these new documents that Microsoft tried to sell its search engine, Bing, to Apple in 2018, as evidence of the existence of competition, And its search engine is not the only one.

The documents showed that Microsoft repeatedly tried to persuade Apple to make Bing the default search engine in its Safari browser. However, Apple refused every time; Due to concerns about the quality of Bing search.

According to Google, Microsoft tried to convince Apple to make Bing the default search engine in Safari on at least six different occasions, starting in 2009, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2018, and most recently in 2020. Each time, Google says Apple I missed the opportunity due to the quality of the research.

Google indicated that Apple took a close look at the quality level of the Bing search engine versus Google, and concluded that the latter was the better default option for its users. Google also explained that Microsoft contacted Apple in 2018 to promote the improvements it made to the quality of search in its Bing engine. Microsoft's goal at the time was either to sell Bing to Apple or to create a partnership between the two companies.

The Google documents included the opinion of Eddy Cue, Apple's head of services, about Microsoft's engine, who said, "Microsoft's search quality, and its investment in search, was not important at all." Where everything was less than expected. So the quality of the research itself was not good. They also did not invest at any level comparable to Google or what Microsoft could invest in. “Their advertising organization and how they monetize was not good either.”

 Google and Microsoft

The US Department of Justice revealed in its unannounced filing that Microsoft invested nearly $100 billion in Bing over two decades. Despite this huge investment, Bing has only 3% of the global market share, and in the fourth quarter of last year, Microsoft earned $3.2 billion from searches and news ads, while Google’s search and advertising revenues amounted to $48 billion.

Finally, in addition to the poor quality of research, let us not forget that this was the apparent reason, while the hidden reason is the partnership between... Google And Apple, which brings the latter billions of dollars annually in exchange for Google being the default search engine on Apple devices. This was confirmed by multiple reports, which explained that the revenues generated from Apple’s deal with Google were the “main reason” behind the lack of any progress in Apple’s talks to acquire Microsoft Bing.

In your opinion, if the deal had been completed, would Apple have defeated Google? Tell us in the comments



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