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How to set up automatic control and a shortcut for the always-on display feature on the iPhone screen

The Always-on Display feature on the iPhone screen now contains several customizations. If you are concerned about the battery draining quickly and want to achieve a balance between enjoying the benefits of the feature, managing battery consumption more effectively, and allocating time to enable it and control its behavior. This guide is on how to automate Always On Display, regardless of your iPhone model.


Why does Apple put a secret barcode on the iPhone screen?

Apple placed a secret QR Code engraved on the glass of the iPhone screen some time ago. What is the reason behind this? Since 2020 until now, Apple has placed two quick response codes (QR Code) on the iPhone screen, but what are the benefits of these codes for the company?


A feature in iOS 17 that reduces eye strain for users

After the iOS 17 version is available, you will be able to use the Screen Distance feature, which increases the distance between you and the phone to reduce the risk of myopia or eye strain, by sending alerts to the user when the distance is less than 15 inches or 40 cm.