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Apple warns against charging the iPhone overnight!

What is the last thing you do every night before you go to sleep? The answer is simple, charge your iPhone so that the battery is full when we wake up in the morning. According to Apple, it seems that what we are doing is not right, as it warned its users that charging their devices overnight has serious consequences, and this habit must be stopped.


Can the iPhone be infected with viruses?

 Have you ever discovered that your iPhone is not working as usual? If your answer is yes, keep reading. Because we will answer, during the following lines, the question that is occupying your mind and thinking now, which is: Can the iPhone be infected with viruses?


IP Group reveals a Trojan targeting iOS users

Apple is on the verge of a new security vulnerability! iOS users have had their bank accounts hacked by a new Trojan called Gold Digger, as reported by Apple's IP Group. The hacking is done by creating deep fake images and accessing text messages and identity documents. Here are all the details in this article.


Do you have a problem with Apple devices? Communicating with Apple in Arabic is very easy

You pay a lot for Apple devices, and one of the reasons that make you buy Apple devices is the distinguished service in technical support, so why not resort to them in every small and large matter? Why is it difficult to communicate with them, or because you do not speak English, or do not know how to communicate with them? Simple, it's very easy, and in seconds you will find an Apple expert calling your phone.


5 products that Apple will get rid of in 2023. Get to know them

From time to time, Apple abandons a number of its products, and puts them in oblivion as it replaces them with new ones. As the end of this year 2023 approaches, we will take you on a quick tour to learn about some of the accessories and products that Apple will stop producing permanently, and we will not see them from now on. Here are them. 5 products that Apple will eliminate in 2023.


What happens when you download a new iOS update on an old iPhone?

Updating the operating system is very important for your iPhone, but if you have an old version of the iPhone, will your phone be affected when you download a new update? What are the consequences or side effects of that? Battery performance may be declining and you feel that your phone is taking a long time to restore files or to carry out the commands you give it.


Apple warns of a fatal error committed by many users of the iPhone

Most of us put the iPhone in the charger at night, and this is not a problem with it, but there is a common habit that many users do, which is leaving the phone under the pillow, or covering it while charging, and this habit is very dangerous, and Apple warned that it is a fatal mistake, And you need not to do this again, so as not to put your life in danger.


8 things iPhone users hate in iOS

Despite what the iOS operating system provides of various and amazing features, there are a number of annoying things that destroy the experience of using the iPhone, and for this we will review, in the following lines, 8 things that iPhone users hate in the iOS system.