Apple announced the new iPhone 11 phones and it has made progress in all the technical aspects of the device other than the 3D Touch technology, as it has been removed and replaced by the “Haptic Touch” technology on the iPhone XR and this is the first time that Apple abandoned technology in its devices. By removing it without providing a better alternative, what are the reasons behind this?

Why did Apple kill 3D Touch?

What is 3D touch technology?

Apple announced this feature in 2015 As a revolutionary feature with the iPhone 6s, it enables the iPhone to sense the force of pressure on the screen so that you can access quick shortcuts to applications and quickly review links and images by simply pressing strongly on the screen to shorten the time. The benefits of this feature extend much further, as it has been used by developers in games And with various other applications, one of the biggest benefits that I cannot do without personally is using it on the iPhone keyboard to move between lines while typing.

Why did Apple abandon it?

There are several reasons for this In fact, it is a hidden and non-main feature of the iPhone phones compared to the screen, camera, Face ID, and other features that are basic and apparent. In practice, most iPhone users do not use it on a daily basis and many of them do not know its existence !!! The feature was promoted with the release of the iPhone 6s. If a normal person skipped buying it and got directly on the iPhone 7 for example or later, it is easy to forget that the feature is available in the device because it is not essential and will not see it in the advertisements for his device because it is considered old and it is illogical to mention it in the promotion This causes him to continue using the phone normally without it. Apple realized this, so it promoted the feature as a main selling point for the iPhone 6s and placed huge screens in some of its stores to sense the strength of touch, but this was not enough because all the iPhone devices that were released after the 6s came with features that discarded 3D Touch, and the technology takes space inside The device and its removal enabled Apple to add more useful features to the user, such as increasing the battery capacity.

Is giving up 3D Touch a good decision?

The answer here varies from person to person for Apple. The feature is expensive and takes up space from the device’s components, and only a limited number of users use it. The same is true for most users. Providing a larger battery capacity is important for most iPhone users. Apple also provided an alternative to the Haptic Touch feature, which relies on prolonged touch. For the screen and it provides most of the features of 3D Touch, but as a personal opinion, the matter is a little complicated, as I was one of the most admirers of the feature when it was launched and one of the most users of it, and I thought that it had a bright future in the field of games specifically, but in the end the market is the one who rules.

After iOS 13, Haptic Touch for everyone

In the past, the advantages of 3D Touch were limited to only owners of devices that support this technology, but after the update to iOS 13 everyone has an alternative feature to 3D Touch, which is Haptic Touch, and this feature is very similar to 3D Touch The difference is that the device does not feel strongly Pressing, but waiting to press and holding, so in order to know the difference between 3D Touch and Haptic Touch is just a second waiting. Therefore, Apple's decision to dispense with 3D Touch is completely ineffective, except for only the software that was using it to feel the pressure.

Tell us, did you mainly use 3D Touch or not, and do you find a big difference between it and Haptic Touch?

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